Big mood rn


Big mood rn

18 5
suCh a phat mood
oh heck hi my dude!
re// I’m pretty sure the gays like group up before any of us even know we’re qxeer somehow lm so
*lm ao not lm so ajdjajsak
nah man, I’ve had ScaryNarwhal for my entire time on PC
don’t worry, it’s fine lol
oh god
I should just keep a paragraph about what happened with Voltron in my notes lol
okay s
season 7 came out and Voltron’s already kinda rácist crāp became very ràcist and also they’ve pulled a shīt ton of hømophobic and ableist crãp
thank you amigo!
Why did you block my friend 😡
She asked me to ask you, and she was being really nice. She showed me screenshots
Most reviews are personal opinions, just so you know.
When I saw the screenshots, she wasn't being the least bit salty.
She just asked me to do it and I did cause that's what good friends do
She can be salty trust me on that one. Don't even try to bring up the, "Oh, shes your friend" excuse