Any advice on how i shouldn’t stress ?? abt it ??


Any advice on how i shouldn’t stress ?? abt it ??

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I can give you advise
just make a chat page for the 2 of us so we can chat privately
your going to be fine trust me I’ve moved to a different place and back home and moved to different schools too and this time it was hard making friends but I have made a lot of friends so you’ll be fine
everything will be okay, yea moving to a different place is going to be a be scary but think of all the positive things.everyone loves the new kid in school, be able to meet new people, and be confident and social then literally after idk like 3 weeks or a month u will have friends so don’t worry xx
it’s going to be ok! 💓 just know that God will help you make new friends and you’ll be able to visit or Facetime the old ones. it’s not distance that deprecates is, it’s our hearts... and if u choose to stay close with your friends at heart, they’ll be your friends forever. and i’m sure you’ll be allowed to visit them or they come visit you, but if not, just remember what i said. and yes this is the truth. it’s going to be petty scary at first but just know that God has a plan for you and your family and he’ll make it work for you no matter what bc he loves you and cares abt you 💓
Dont worry. God has a plan to move you to a place that will make you happy. Yeah i get it, its sad to move from the place you have lived in for a little while, but think of what will be new and amazing about your new place and always keep ur old one in mind.
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