here we see a Galleon!!  according to Wikipedia, “Galleons were large, multi-decked sailing ships used as armed cargo carriers primarily by European states during the age of sail from the 16th to 18th centuries and were the principal fleet units drafted


here we see a Galleon!! according to Wikipedia, “Galleons were large, multi-decked sailing ships used as armed cargo carriers primarily by European states during the age of sail from the 16th to 18th centuries and were the principal fleet units drafted

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for use as warships until the Anglo-Dutch wars of the mid-1600s. Galleons generally carried three or more masts with a lateen fore-and-aft rig on the rear masts, were carvel built with a prominent squared off raised stern, and used square-rigged sail plans on their fore-mast and main-masts. Such ships were the mainstay of maritime commerce into the early 19th century, and were often drafted into use as auxiliary naval war vessels—indeed, were the mainstay of contending fleets through most of the 150 years of the Age of Exploration — before the Anglo-Dutch wars begat purpose-built ship-rigged warships that thereafter dominated war at sea during the remainder of the Age of Sail.”
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