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shut up crazy I do what I want crazy shut up
leave me alone
reply slow behind
shut to the up
please stop.
no shut up stupid
why are you telling people this stuff
cause you need to shut up
I am telling on you sorry
shut up 🤐
the police 🚨 that you are bullying me
OMG she's telling everyone else that they we are bullying her when really it's the other way around #stopthehate
you need to stay out of it little girl shut up dummy stupid crazy I can tell on any one I want to
go crusty
go Cruyy
sorry I was joking sorry for that tweet sorry 😐 I promise I am not going to do it again sorry can we please be friends
please don't tell the police 🚨 I am sorryyyyyyyyyy I am only 6 I swear I'm not lying I like you as a friend anyway truly sorry friend 😭😪😥😔
hey y'all