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you know how your parents warn you? about the liars on the Internet?
then you come on here and see people who admit "I'm a PC kid"
a girl who helped me... did a prank.. and it wasn't really funny. 😒
she has a joint account with another person. she acted like her mom was dead. then like she had killed herself. I don't joke about that because one of my boyfriends best friends, who I knew of... Shot himself in the head. it's not funny. and the death of a mother? my boyfriends mom died when he was four to suicide. 😒
I take those things to heart. it's not a funny prank.
and they said "oh I couldn't resist. it was just too funny."
exactly. that's why I am kinda like sensitive.
I unfollowed her. and I hope she does the same because I can't stand those people. but thanks :)
lol, I think you just became my favorite follower
Thanks :)
you're a great person
I am lol.
the pac
that's their user name
like seriously? you make several collages about it? some people go through that. that's not a funny prank what so ever. that's a hurtful prank.
thanks. I really hope she sees this because that's kinda 😒✌🏻️ like "nah Imma not talk to you."
and to add to that pain.. my boyfriends on his way to the hospital.
he has heart problems (birth defect) and he's coughing up blood and his chest hurts and I'm 3 hours away from town. and he lives another hour away from there.
and now I'm freaking out.
kinda like want to go but I can't. his dad texted and said he was going to be having a tube down his throat, and stay over nights
my parents hate him. I have no way.
our like I guess "private" things got discovered and my mom hates him and my dad just doesn't particularly care for someone like him. because he did cheat on me but it wasn't him fault.
lol. his ex gf followed him around and waited out of the boys bathroom waiting for him then kisses him. he's really cool
haha yeah.
10:31 pm 😂
I'm fine. I'm not like tired. what time is it?
if you wanna go to sleep you can it's not big deal.
oh. okay.
my best friend and I are talking about funny times with my boyfriend.
so it's like bittersweet.
nick & I will have been together for almost a year ❤️
haha thanks :)
you can look at my collages and there is one collage about him like 10 fact
just to let you know... he spoke to me on text. he is okay, just was dehydrated and his throat was scratchy so he coughed up blood. he will be released in the morning and then he will call me. ❤️
thanks :) and Its fine
good morning 😂
good. just got back to my moms house after a month
it's fine. lol. sorry this is so late.
he's okay now. we hung out today
in secret hidden from my parents lol
lol yeah. 😂 we hung out with my best friend and her boyfriend behind all of our parents backs
I used to be a goody two shoes.. then I met him.
he has good intentions. he's actually stopped all he did before. now instead of smoking cigarettes he vapes (ugh)
I think it's better than cigarettes. he doesn't do it often, only when he gets anxious.
now if he would let me take it away! that would be awesome. 😂😂😂
I try to take it away and he chases me and won't let me go near it anymore. -.- then he's even taken the hobby of holding the smoke in his mouth then kissing me and then freaking my friends out as smoke comes out... 😂😂
lol nice
if doofus is okay, then his doofus smoocher is okay. (cheesy names we are called)
I know haha
alright. goodnight :)