School Outfit/Haul!


School Outfit/Haul!

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plz post more things!
ok sure!
hello! can i plz make u an icon?
thx for helping me with neon-pink-blue... she also copied a lot of other people's collages too! u can see their name on it! i a, gonna hassle that person until she either re-posts it and gives me cred or she deletes it! that was my first good collage and it took me almost 45 mins! that was meant for my page only! i dont like her! thinking about blocking her!
you're welcome! I hate people like that!! she should have given you credit!! you should definitely block her!! or else she'll steal more of your amazing collages!! I said to her that she is just being lazy by having to steal other people's collages!! the ones she makes are so bad she had to steal other people's collages!!😡😡
i know! i read it! thx for helping... i think she might have blocked me or gone on private because every hour i go onto her account to see if she has taken it down and i saw that she said that she couldnt see my name anywhere on it. i then circled it for her but she says that isnt my name! can u please do me a favour? can u plz see if u can see her account? i wanna know if she blocked me or went on private... can u please see? thx! thanks for helping me!... miss u!
ok sure! your welcome!😄
she blocked me! i have my other account and i went on it and she blocked me and called me stupid because "i used the same collage as her so im getting annoyed" I MADE THAT! i didnt use the same collage as you i ******* MADE IT! she is bad! i hate her!
i bet she cant make her own so she goes around stealing other peoples things... i wonder what she will say if i ask where she got it from!😄😇😂 liar... plz plz plz can we facetime or msg tomorrow after school? P.S she says im overreacting! ITS MINE AND I DIDNT GIVE HER PERMISSION! PP.S sorry im letting my anger on u... u are one of my BFFs and i hope u understand... i probably am getting a little overreactive BUT ITS MINE... we seriously need to talk plz... i have turned into a monster HELP ME!
sorry... im all worked up with exhibition and this isnt helping either!😕
sorry... but that felt good...
it's ok! I completely understand! she shouldn't have done that and she knows it!