I shouldn’t have invited my friends to this app, Bc now they are all fighting- I think I’m gonna take a break for the rest of the week


I shouldn’t have invited my friends to this app, Bc now they are all fighting- I think I’m gonna take a break for the rest of the week

7 0
plz don’t I need you more then anything right now
I didn’t want to tell you but here goes nothing
kat I like you and the reason I do is because your nice,kind ,pretty,smart ,caring and creative
and plz don’t leave
I’m just taking a break Tom
okay but plz come back soon
but before you leave can you promise me one thing
we can keep emailing each other
idk Tom right now life isn’t the best and my friends are all splitting up
well just try to not think about it
New post 😞
delete this once you got it