Don't mind the little Americas floating around


Don't mind the little Americas floating around

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I don't ever mind America!
And Liberals!
but conservatives aren't bad people
but liberals stand for exactly the opposite of freedom
um no they do now
*not (gay rights, PoC rights, unions, minimum wage, women's rights)
that's literally the definition that's literally what they stand for if they do not stand for that they are not a liberal it is actually really simple
unions are bad things. well if that is so then all the liberals in our government are not liberals😂
I meant trade unions. the thing that protects workers' rights and improves working hours, pay, and working conditions. it's the reason you don't see 12 year olds working in dangerous factories anymore. and can you give me an example of when a liberal in our government took away our rights?
wow. yes, we should spend all the county's money on countries that want to kill us when we're in debt anyway because of the reason Conservatism was founded.
I never said that. geez it's just a background on the two political ideologies