Notice Meh
This took me many days and various 
attempts to make it look decent.
It was supposed to say 'I'm a diamond' but 
I couldn't make that look good.


Notice Meh This took me many days and various attempts to make it look decent. It was supposed to say 'I'm a diamond' but I couldn't make that look good.

30 0
it looks very nice. you have grown so much as a editor and I honestly feel so proud since I've pretty much been here from the start and it's just so amazing to see you progress and make so many amazing things. I find myself thinking about how much you've improved and it's just like wow. I will probably look back on these edits some day and be like wowie the amount of improvement that is been made is great. I don't know where I'm going with this. I guess I'm just trying to say I'm proud haha
re// no it's not really. I've had people say it before so I've got used to it. I didn't really like it because I don't know the people that called me it at all but I didn't want to seem rude so I just dealt with it but I'm letting you do it because I actually know you personally if that makes any sense.