Collage by suicide-teen


115 1
dude, is everything ok? no suicide plans, right? please say no.
no suicide
no not yet
not ever, please
I'm trying xxx I'm getting help xxx
good. keep going.
yeah xxcx
same thing with me but just NEVER TAKE YOUR OWN LIFE
sorry xxx
don't be so SAD!!!!
Please your braking my heart be happy your not alone things will get better I know it
thank you
thanks for the follow!😀❤️❤️
it's ok
Keep on Keeping on!Dont be so sad girl!❤️
Haters gonna hate stay strong! You have lovely followers that are here for you😘
thank you
stay strong ! talk to is if you need us
Do you need a hug or something?
yeah xxx
we got your back when you need it
thanks xxx