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I don't understand none of it.......
^ yeah I didn't expect you to it's alright :)
dangggg dude
I can't read or write Urdu, but I can speak it
actually I guess I can read it, it's like Arabic (I can read Arabic too btw)
OMG 😂 My best friend in the US is a Pakistani and so she speaks Urdu and I figured that Urdu and Hindi are pretty similar :) idk in the writing or the reading part but they are similar in the speaking part ::)) and I've been speaking Hindi since I was a small child so yeh I can write it too I used to live in India before :)
ohhh niceee, Hindi and Urdu are VERY DIFFERENT in the writing part 🙃
the first language I learned was Urdu bcs that's what my parents speak
Ahh my parents speak Hindi so that's why I learned Hindi 😂 and yeah I looked up Urdu and the writing is soooo different