Still not over this


Still not over this

14 0
^ true. I almost cried when mine voted drake over tyjo.
I was about so start a riot
^^^ idk two of them were like "uh who's Dan is he one of those weird emo weirdos"
that's revolting
Your school is a terrible place
exactly, although they're also the people who ignore me
my school is sucky I have like two friends but at least they're good
Lmaô my school experience honestly I had two friends and everyone else just made fun of me behind my back.
aw that's incredibly mean... but hey we have something in common
right? and srsly Dan is so beautiful I want to cry every time I see him OMG.
sAME I started freaking when he posted twice this month like I cried
NO. 😭
yep ;-;