Collage by Tilewood_me


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I'm great hru
good ig and half the people Ik feel that way about me
what why!? u r so sweet
bc in person every one hates me bc the way I look and act so I quit being sweet and pulled a knife on some kids for making fun of me
what did they do!?!
well we got into fight they stole my phone smashed it and I started crying so they laughed at me and I pulled a knife on them
oh. r u okay?
well I don't have a phone anymore but ig I'm ok and yesterday my friend got into a fight with me and pulled a knife on me I have a few cuts an bruises but other than that I'm ok
how old r u? sorry for asking
13 turning 14 this year I am a jr model and babysit humans and pets and I take care of any hurt living organism
I also have a garden and three dogs two cats and four horses
I am going on 13 next month, love little kids and am physically in love with all animals
I have only 2 dogs
eh I have to take care of all of them I'm also in kick boxing and horse back riding
wow. the only active thing I do is soccer
i hate sports
really. soccer is the only sport I can do. other than that i love to draw
I love reading and singing and modeling oh and boys
of course boys! lol same
I mean I have liked the same boy for three years
really I have one every 2-3 months Ik I'm a total hoè but idc
lol u r no hoe. so who do u like know?
well I'm dating my bf Ben
yep ikr
you r so lucky
ya but then again I'm a horrible gf
what how
bye~ ttyl
bc at first I was talking to my friend today and her brother is my ex well he tried to kill himself when I asked to talk to him he agreed so we started talking and saying how sorry I was than he kissed me and well.......I kissed back