-an original piece by myself, dedicated to the girl I've been in love with since the 2nd grade-


-an original piece by myself, dedicated to the girl I've been in love with since the 2nd grade-

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I am awestruck
this is so-you're very talented. I don't think I could pick a word worthy enough to describe how exceptional this is.
Thanks so much-I'm in a very awestruck position myself. You seem to be a brilliant mind, so I am deeply humbled by your words of kindness :-)
you're very welcome, my friend. I don't blame you for that. ah, I only aspire to be, but I'm very glad to hear that. you should take great pride in your writing- it's your art. i don't mind going by "brilliant mind", but I think you'll find Julia more suitable.
Julia will be fine, but yes I believe "Brilliant Mind" is more apt for you πŸ˜‚ I'm Alexander, but I don't really mind being called Alex or whatever nickname you wish. How are you, Julia the Brilliant Mind? :-)
excellent:) are you sure? I feel like it could be a bit pretentious, don't you think? πŸ˜‚ it's lovely to meet you, Alexander. if I have such an honorable name as "Brilliant Mind", I'm definitely going to be in need for an equally-if not more-marvelous name for you. I'm quite well, and yourself?
I'm sure it could be, but you seem humble enough to carry it πŸ˜‚ Well, what would you suggest? I tend to be very meticulous, so maybe my nickname could be Painfully Tedious Attention to Detail Alex? πŸ˜‚ I'm well, just having a very weird day.
how kind of you, much obligedπŸ˜‚ I'm not 110% sure yet (you can never be to sure, you know) that name seems rather condescending, like you're poking fun at yourself. you seem quite wonderful, you need a pleasant mane that'll suit you well. that's good to hear. weird, how so? would you like to talk about it
*name. sorry, troublesome typing day
I am often poking fun at myself, so that's most likely why it would seem that way πŸ˜‚ Just let me know when you come up with one then :-) Weird in the sense that the person I've known for almost my whole life is now no longer a part of it, and is seemingly dodging my calls and texts. It's weird. Also, sad, but the truly strange part is that the only person I want to tell about my sadness, is the one person who doesn't want to hear it. So, it's a very weird week.
Thank you, Jasmine :-)
aw no:( you shouldn't. will do; I'll definitely be putting my "Brilliant Mind" to work. I'm very sorry to hear that. I know it's sort of the cliche thing one always hears, but with time maybe that person will come back. maybe it wasn't a "goodbye" for the both of you, just "see ya later". I'm sure if this person truly cares about you, they'll be far from gone. you can't entirely erase a person from your life, they'll always be there. (I'm sorry this is super sappy/cliche, but I actually believe in it and I think it has some truth behind it.) maybe what you both need is a little space- a time to regroup and figure out some things while you're apart. I understand exactly how you feel and it's sometimes hard to cope with those feelings when that type of situation is presented. I've always found it so ironic that when we've you need/want to person you love the most, they're not always within reach. I completely understand how you're feeling, and if you'd like to talk about it, I'm here. (also, sorry for my ramblings)
It's just that this girl has been my one love since second grade, and I've always known we would end up together and happy. Like there was always this huge part of me that just had it all figured out-we would get married, live together, have a bunch of dogs because she loves and even though I'm allergic I would love them for her, have some kids, get old together. I could literally map out each and every milestone I saw us living through together. And now my mind is completely blank-I can't even see a whole future. It's as if the light inside of me has been dulled. And I'm pretty sure it hasn't even fully hit me yet-I'm currently on autopilot, but soon enough everything will come crashing down on me and I will no longer be ok. I'm just in such shock right now. I've never felt this level of pain, and it hasn't fully registered yet.
wow, that's special. I understand why she means so much. Im sort of in a similar situation. my boyfriend is going off to college in the fall and we're long distance as it is. we've both thought the same things about the future, just as you and your girl have. I know he's going away for a while and we've both been planning for the worst. I know how you're feeling- it's scary and heartbreaking to see all of that go away. but I don't think you should stop dreaming about that with her. it's tough, dreaming and planning all of that and knowing that it might not work out, but I think you just have to watch out for the obstacles and keep looking for your plans to carry themselves out. you just gotta keep loving. I know you don't feel like you'll be okay, but I promise you will. things are gonna be tough and you're going to be reminded of her by every beautiful thing you see or hear. everything she loved, you're going to continue loving. she's still a part of you and I think that she'll come back.
I know exactly what I want to tell you but i can't form a cohesion between my thoughts and my words. but I ENTIRELY UNDERSTAND how you feel, truly I do. and I'd like to help the best that I can.
Thank you so incredibly much. I'm sorry that I don't have a more eloquent answer to fully express my level and depth of gratitude-truly I appreciate your words. It just feels like the emotions have started to rush in. I am feeling more hopeless than ever
you're welcome, Alexander. you don't have to apologize, or thank me, I know it's hard. no one deserves to hurt like this. I know it becomes easy to feel that way, everything comes rushing in and it all hits at once, but it will eventually get better. I can absolutely promise you that.
I know there really isn't anything I can say right now to make that seem true, and you have every right to let your emotions out, but you aren't alone.