tap Otis! 🦦

For some people, they are t sexually attracted to the same gender as they are romantically. Introducing… Romantic identities! 🦦 (ps sorry it’s so blurry! Not sure why)


tap Otis! 🦦 For some people, they are t sexually attracted to the same gender as they are romantically. Introducing… Romantic identities! 🦦 (ps sorry it’s so blurry! Not sure why)

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I’ve been having some issues posting- it doesn’t let me post collages, however if I save it to my camera roll and put it on a new collage, it does?
so it comes out blurry :( I’m going to do a collage on breaking myths and fluidly next (this is my reminder ha)
yeah sure!
MEEEE I finally decuded i’m demisexual but I’m pretty sure i’m panromantic
hey, that’s kinda mean
I think I might be Demi and probable BI or Les, but idk and idk if I want a label