

28 0
Laying in bed. You?
watching exclamation point
lol idk I'm bored and awkward
Me too Lol
Isaac says I'm wrong
Isaac is wrong Lol
about what?
Me not being awkward
oh lol
I'm tired, sorry 😝
it's okay
*sleepy tardis noises*
*the doctor walk in*
*doesnt notice*
*Matt walks in*
*eyes widen*
Matt: *smiles at you* hello Chris!
Uh.. hi? *notices the doctor* holy shît!
me: *giggles* he's mine
*wrinkles nose* *walks over to dean* *climbs on his back and wraps arms around his head* Mine. My hunter.
me: *giggles*
*sonics Matt* Doctor: *walks over to you* *hugs you from behind*
me: *blushes and smiles*
Dean: *wiggles eyebrows*
*laughs at him*
Me: *points at you two* So... are you two like- Dean: Like a thing?
me: *giggles*
Me: Woah..
me: *giggles more and blushes*
me: *laughs* wait are you talking about me and Dean or the doctor?! Sam: oh my god you're an idiot ivory.
me: *punches sam*
Sam: OW! me: seriously are we talkin bout doctor or Dean? *laughs* I'm so confused
Dean: I think she's talking about the Doctor. *uses my head as an arm rest*
me: shut up Winchester *giggles*
Me: *smacks deans hand away and runs to the Doctor* Imma hide in your trenchcoat k?
Doctor: that's not scary at all
Me: *laughs*
Dean: *uses your head as an armrest instead*
me: I'll punch you. I'll do it! Doctor: I'm confused too. is Chris talking about me and ivory or ivory and Dean?
Me: You of all people should know doctor! *twirls under his arm and starts singing Ariel* You've got to kiss ze girl!
me: *gets on the doctors back and giggles* Doctor: that isn't the point *giggles and blushes*
Me: *skips back over to Dean* See, like this! *kisses him*
me: CHRIS THATS NASTY. Dean: *smirks and kisses back* Doctor: *covers his eyes*
Me: *laughs* Oh don't act like you haven't kissed before.
me: that isn't the point. Dean: *smirks* yes it is.
Doctor: *glances at you* Who have you kissed?*sounds jealous*
Dean: ooohhhh someone's jealousssss
Me: *blushes* one.....*glances at Sam*
Me: Tsk, tsk. Doctor: *doesnt look away from you*
me: *giggles* stop starting at meee
Me: Ooooooooo
Sam: *blushes* awkwardddd
Doctor: *smirks* What are you going to do if I don't?
me: *gets off his back and stands in front of him* I dunno
Me: *whispers* kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
me: *looks down blushing*
Matt: *feels neglected*.
me: poor Matt *walks over to him and hugs him*
Me: *lays face first on the floor* So close. Yet so far. Doctor: *looks jealous*
me: holy shìt what is it with time lords and girls?!
Doctor: *puppy face*
me: okay Doctor come here.
Doctor: *walks toward you* Me: *doesnt look up* *slams fists on the floor* *screams* SÉXUAL TENSION
me: CHRISTINE STOP IT. *grabs Doctor's hand and pulls him close* *wraps one arm around Matt and the other around doctor* happy now?
Me: MAKE MEEE Doctor: *smiles* Matt: *nods*
me: *smiles* okay good. And Dean, kiss Chris again. Dean: *lays on the floor and kisses you*
Me: *kisses back and smiles*
((also my phones about to die and I don't have a charger so that may be problematic))
me: *giggles and screams* SEXÚAL TENSÍON
((Kk ily if it dies BUY A CHARGER))
me: *throws my show in your general direction and misses by like five feet* SHUDDUP Sam: *cracks up*
((ily!! 😘😘 I'll get one tomorrow Lol))
((also it was supposed to be shoe))
me: *lets go of them both and goes over to sam* Sam shut up
Sam: Make me
Dean: *pulls away* dayum Sammy. Me: *smirks* you really want me to?
Sam: *raises eyebrows* Héll yeah. Me: Dámn Sammy, can you be a little more clear, I don't think we quite got that message.
me: *smirks* yeah Sammy
Sam: *smirks* *leans back* Me: *scoots closer to Dean*
me: *shrugs still smirking* okay if you don't wanna explain I guess I'll just make out with the doctor
Dean: *pulls you closer*
Doctor: *looks surprised* Me: Aw yissss Sam: I said make me shut up, Ivory. Could I be any more clear?
me: well, me being me, making you shut up would be slapping you. Dean: *laughs*
Sam: *steps closer to you* That's not quite what I had in mind. Doctor: *grits teeth* Me: *whistles*
me: *bites my lip* oh really? Dean: woah Sammy
Sam: *traces a pattern on your arm* Really *leans closer* Me: Ho-ly shizzle
me: *smirks and kisses him* Dean: holy fúck
Doctor: *looks annoyed* Sam: *kisses back* Me: YEAH GET IT IVORY
me: *pulls away and laughs at you* oh my god can I not kiss someone without you yelling that? *laughing*
Me: *laughs* Nope.
me: *laughs* apparently.
doctor: *turns away*
Dean: dayum. Me: *rolls my eyes*
me: *goes to the doctor and hugs him from behind*
Me: Well that was... Exciting. Doctor: *frowns*
me: *hugs the doctor so I'm facing him now* awww what's wrong?
Doctor: *refuses to look at you* Sam: *still looks slightly dazed*
((found my charger 😜))
me: Doctor? *wraps my arms around his neck*
Doctor: *looks down at you* Me: *looks at Dean* *wiggles eyebrows*
me: *can tell somethings wrong* Doctor, what is it? Dean: *giggles* stop it. you're cute. stop.
Doctor: *looks away* Nothing. Me: *laughs* *wrinkles nose*
me: I'm not stupid. tell me. please? Dean: *giggles and kisses you again*
Me: *cuddles with Dean* Doctor: *looks down* *hesitates* *hugs you* *whispers quietly* Mine.
((OMG THAT WAS ADORABLE IM DYING)) Me: awwww *giggles and hugs back* *whispers back* mine.
((XDXD YAY)) Doctor: *puts his face in your shoulder* No more kissing anyone but me.
me: *giggles and takes his hand* okay Doctor *smiles*
Doctor: *smiles* Me: IM BORED LETS PLAY A GAME
Dean: SPIN THE BOTTLE. Me: *smiles and kisses his cheek* *yells at dean* DEAN WINCHESTER STOP PICKING DIRTY GAMES.
Me: Dirrrrtyyyy
me: *giggles and looks down* Dean: WHAT ELSE AM I SUPPOSED TO SAY
me: YAS.
((omg I play dirty truth or dare all the time😂😂))
((le gasp IVORY!! 😂😂😂))
Sam: I'm in
Dean: me too. Me: yay!
Doctor: Why not? Me: Yay!
me: uh Chris you start
Me: Oookkk umm, I guess I'll ask Dean? Truth or dare Dean?
Dean: dare ((gtg to bed in 5 mins))
Me: I dare you to... *smirks* If you're so sure you killed Bloody Mary, go in the bathroom and chant her name.
Dean: NO
Dean: we killed her but it's still scary as hèll
Me: *laughs* I'm kidding Dean, I'm a hunter and I'm not that stupid. Actual date is to go out in the snow for five minutes. In your underwear.
me: GROSS. Dean: WHY
Me: Because I can't think of anything!
Dean: fine. *takes off his clothes and goes outside in the snow* HOLY FÚCK. Me: STOP MOTHER FÚCKĮNG CUSSING DEAN
Me: *cracks up* Stop mother fûçkîńg cussing yourself.
me: Fûck. Dean: *comes back inside and puts his clothes on* dayum it's cold
Me: It matches your soul, Dean!
me: *busts up laughing* Dean: ha. ha. ha.
Me: *laughs with you* It's your turn Dean! ((continue tomorrow? I'm tired af))
((yeah. night ILY))
((ILY!! Tomorrow I'm creating a page so we can remix instead Lol))