Nebula: ow..... It feels like something, no, someone, is trying to burst out of my head and escape....


Nebula: ow..... It feels like something, no, someone, is trying to burst out of my head and escape....

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(wow. me the akaward 6th grade memelord trying to be serious.......NAW!!)
xD lol.
Nebula: *is sitting in a corner, her head in her hands* ow....... ow....... ow........ow....... ow....... ow........ow....... ow....... ow........ow....... ow....... ow........
Anti: * sits next to you*
Nebula: *leans on your shoulder* ow.....
Nebula: Anti........ my head hurts so bad.......
Anti: Could I heal it?
Nebula: *shakes her head* no. That won't work.... No magic... it'll only make her stronger.... she'll escape and kill us all.....
Anti: * nods*
Niquie: *swings arond the lamp* Hello!
Nebula: *yelps* AH!! Oh gods, you started me Niquie.
(I ment startled)
Anti: * catches the lamp* Hello Niquie...
Nebula: ow...
Niquie: *howl-laughs* ha!
Nebula: what's so funny?
Niquie: I almost knocked over the lamp.
Anti: * glares at Niquie* You're starting to annoy me...
Niquie: geez.
Anti: * yawns*
Niquie: *scratches behind her ear*
Nebula: *curls up in a ball, groaning and holding her head*
Clara: Is it a headache? *hands her insane strong pain killers* hey itll be okay i promise
Nebula: It's not that it's just s "headache". It's something way worse. but I can't tell. it'll only make Her stronger.