I tried doing PicCollage only... How did I do?😘


I tried doing PicCollage only... How did I do?😘

41 2
Also is there a co-owner sheet on my page?🤔
Np😘Sorry that's a random question I just really need to know😂
Because I posted it and it didn't show up so I was just wandering😂
Np for whatever Stella said😂😘
peeeerrrrfeccccttt and wanna Collab again
I'll do the text
Spring theme
I could give you the quote and you could type it
is that ok
that's fine!
not pc
font candy or phonto you pick
I love it! I'll post it now ❤️
I'll probably post it tomorrow. 💖
what's an overlay
is it this
hi can you plz follow me that would be great if you can and can you plz like all of my collages thx and plz!!!!