Ik that itz bad to be happy that the gurl u have a crush on got rejected from her crush but this could be a shot||~Secret party this Friday I will bring my phone to tell u guys what happens~||


TÃ…P Ik that itz bad to be happy that the gurl u have a crush on got rejected from her crush but this could be a shot||~Secret party this Friday I will bring my phone to tell u guys what happens~||

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I have no clue I'm sooooo happy
well I got a boyfriend and we're going to the beach tomorrow and the carnival 💋💘😊😊😊😊😜😜😉😉😉😆😅😂😂😂
his name is Jackson and I'll give you a pic
thx and I know wright so hot
well on here we were talking after my ex died and then he lost his phone and I thought he forgot about me till his best friend was saying he loves me he talks about me all the time so then he found away to text me then he asked me out and ya
ya and he's do nice