Collage by MindlessTrash


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so characters
so whatā€™s yours?
idk Iā€™m just that type of person
Mind: * walks down the street, rain drops on his fur *
ok so Iā€™m Shawn
Shawn: *walking arguing with dad over texts*
(yea- xd)
(whatā€™s Your characters name?)
Mind: * for looking at the ground the full time he bumps into Shawn *
Shawn: *drops phone* Oh Iā€™m sorry
(Full name: Mind C. SearchLight)
(Shawn D. Hines)
Mind: No,no, itā€™s my fault, I shouldā€™ve have been looking forward...!
Shawn: *bends over to pick up phone* Iā€™m sorry sir
Mind: Iā€™m so sorry please, Iā€™ll help you pay for any damages on your phone!
(he oOF-)
Shawn: No itā€™s ok really
(so weā€™re gay? bi?)
Mind: im just sorry, itā€™s just Iā€™m having a bad day...
Shawn: Same here. Whatā€™s wrong?
(bi cuz Mind is with Admin, ((well with her OC she gonna draw so we can have a relationship together)))
(ooohhhh ok)
(Iā€™m bi in rl anyway sošŸ˜‚)
(itā€™s sorta a long story)
Mind: Well... getting kick out my house, and having no where to, with no food or water...
Shawn: Oh my god thatā€™s terrible. Well my dad hates me so you win. *holds out hand for you to shake* Iā€™m Shawn
(well my dad block admin and she uses her backup to talk to me than I have this idea that we could make OCs that represent us, but not literally)
((and sorry I took long to respond cuz my WiFi connection is acting weird))
(itā€™s ok and wow dad wow)
Mind: Iā€™m Mind, you have a nice name *shakes your hand*
Shawn: You too Iā€™ve never heard that name before. I like it. Hey wanna get some coffee?
(he blocked her because she kinda cussed so.... and a another reason I was thinking of the OC think is cuz my dad or ((mom but mostly dad)) wonā€™t never and I repeat NEVER would let me with someone from the same gender as me....)
(wow my family is anti-gay)
(same here)
(a bunch of homĆøs)
(I mean there Christian so they have a point...)
(SAME but yeah)
Mind: Sure, although never had coffee, but I want to try it!
Shawn: Really? It gives you a lot of energy.
Mind: Nice, I might like it!
Shawn: Yea maybe *starts walking to coffee shop* So how old are you?
Mind: 15, you?
Shawn: Oh Iā€™m 15 too! what school do you go to?
Mind: Fallout-Warriors High, and you?
Shawn: Heh Iā€™m from Wolfpack High also a fallout *chuckles*
Mind: Your school beat us last season!
Shawn: Yea sorry. Actually, I scored like 6 out of the 22 points
Mind: ehh- I didnā€™t really played in the game since I was a low-class...
Shawn: Itā€™s ok Iā€™m pretty stupid so
*we arrived at the coffee shop*
Mind: so what kind of coffee do they sell here?
Shawn: Hi cano have a vanilla bean Frappuccino please and *to you* what about you?
Shawn: Black, caramel, my fav, Vanilla bean Frappuccino
Mind:Iā€™ll have a- *gets pushed to aside by a red head girl*
Shawn: Hey watch it!
Red headed girl: *huffs* do you- *huffs* have the- *huffs again* Unicorn Frappuccino!?
Casher: no, Sorry maā€™am
Shawn: What was that about?! Say sorry!
Mind: huh!? * is confused*
Shawn: Not you Mind. Her
Red Headed girl: uh? oh Iā€™m sorry, itā€™s just I drove from around the country for the past 7 months trying to find any Cafe that still had the Unicorn Frappuccino and someone said this was the only one so far... and I guess they ran out...
Shawn: You look familiar...
Red Headed girl: wait- your the guy at the game! You attend WolfPack high, right?
Shawn: Did attend. And yes I am
Red Headed girl: I was one of the cheerleaders there before we moved to California and oh what happened?
Mind: So, whatā€™s your name?
Shawn: oooo ok
Red Headed girl: Oh, sorry, my name is Oracle and you tooā€™s?
Shawn: Well Iā€™m Shawn and he is...
Shawn: *holds out hands in ta-da position*
Mind: Mind...!
Shawn: Yep! Oh! the drinks
Oracle: cool names, well Iā€™m sorry I wasted your time, guess Iā€™ll go then..!
Casher: ya, children these days
Shawn: You can hang with us, right Mind? *asking politely*
Mind: Sure!
Oracle: really! thx! *hugs both of you*
Shawn: Yea no problem *hugs back*
(back sorry just wait for my parents to go out )
Oracle: Iā€™ll pay for the drinks!
(itā€™s ok) Shawn: No itā€™s fine really
Oracle: So, 3 Frappuccinos please anything else on them?, what flavor?
Oracle: and yes let me pay! I really feel bad for wasting your time..!
Shawn: You didnā€™t waste my time but ok...Hey Mind you ok?
Mind: just I donā€™t really express my feelings to new emotions...
Shawn: Itā€™s ok. Iā€™m your friend now so you donā€™t have to be afraid. *whispers to you* and maybe one day we can be more than friends *smirks*
Mind: *whispers back * uhhh? what do you mean? ( even if he had a brutal life heā€™s still a pure bean lol)
(lol) Shawn: Youā€™ll find out in a couple months,maybe weeks or so *smiles and blushes*
Mind: oh ok-
Shawn: *takes drinks* Here you go *hands everyone theyā€™re drinks*
Oracle: Ok here you go guys, one Vanilla Bean Frappuccino for Shawn, one Carmel Vanilla Frappuccino for Mind, and one CaffĆØ Misto for me!
Mind: thx
Shawn: Yep! So Oracle tell me about yourself
Oracle: well, Iā€™m a photographer at Eastern Jr. Academy, and Iā€™m sorta have to travel around the world from time to time...
Shawn: Cool! Iā€™m a bi dropout who works as a full time pet care person at the ASPCA and I have my own apartment
Oracle: Thatā€™s nice! I used to work there too! but as part-time of course!
Shawn: Cool! What about you Mind *looks at you with worried eyes*
Mind: Ummm-... weā€™ll Iā€™m still in high school, but Iā€™m planning to get a job in the government, one day..!
Shawn: Cool! So what do you plan on doing? *takes a sip and puts arm around you*
Mind: I donā€™t know... all I want is a better future for myself then... my past....
Shawn: Itā€™s ok. You donā€™t have to talk about it
Oracle: well... ummm do you guys want to go somewhere?
Shawn: Idc Mind?
(does idc stand for I donā€™t care, sorry I forgot xd)
Mind: thereā€™s one place I like to go to... even if people say itā€™s sad and dark...
Shawn: Where I will go with you
Oracle: me too! ):3
Mind: the graveyard...
Shawn: .....Ok Iā€™m coming with you *gets up*
* 7 mins past from walking to the graveyard*
Mind: weā€™re here..
Shawn: Here we are *stands closer to Mind* So whatā€™s so special here?
Oracle: *takes a few pictures of the trees *
Mind: my mother...* a slip of tear rolls down his cheek *
Shawn: *hugs you* Oh Iā€™m so sorry itā€™s ok sshh
Mind: No it fine... Iā€™ve come here since I was 6 years old...
Oracle:...* starts crying a bit too*
Shawn: Itā€™s ok really
Mind: I come to get advice from her.... sometimes I feel her represents or hear her voice...
Shawn: *feels wind drift* Whoa
Mind: she died by cancer... after that I was left with my uncle who didnā€™t care about me...
Oracle: and your father.....?
Shawn: Well now you have me and I care
Mind: Never met him...
Mind: my mom always told the same story....
Shawn: what is it
Mind: *hugs Shawn* thx....!
Shawn: Your welcome
Shawn: If you need to stay at my place I have a extra room
Mind: Sheā€™ll say he was a handsome nice tall man, with black soft hair, and gray eyes.... she said they met by the shoreline in the sunset, they fall in love 3 weeks later... he worked in a important job... and every time she said that she gave me a serious but yet gentle look, so they had to keep there relationship private... a year later they had me... when I was 6 months old.... he left for a important meeting off to sea..... but he never came back..... my mom would say ā€œ Lost at sea dear...Not dead... Lost at sea...ā€ ....
(oh sh3 et thatā€™s a lot xd)
Shawn: Whoa touching and just wow
Oracle: Mind, you remember me of my little sister, that you guys have too much in common itā€™s a bit weird but sad for me....
Shawn: all our families are messed up somehow
Oracle: At least you guys arenā€™t as a loser as I am...
Shawn:....Really? My dad hates me my sister is a prostitute and my mom is a drug dealer
Oracle: I never met my mom and dad they left us.... me and my little sister... we fought for food and water in the day when I was 8 years old and my sister 4 years old....w-we got attacked.... they took her.... I tried saving her.... but it was to late......I-i c-couldnā€™t look.... but..... I..... k-knew t-there was...... b-blood all over the w-wall.......a-and- * cries*
Shawn: Oh Oracle itā€™s ok *brings her in the hug*
Oracle: No itā€™s not ok!! if shouldā€™ve a least call for help or knew that was gonna h-happened!!
Shawn: Oracle you did your best, ok? thatā€™s what matters
Oracle: *wipes away her tears* itā€™s getting dark out... you guys should start heading home...!
Shawn: Oh right. So Mind your staying with me?
Mind: Sure..!?
Shawn: If you want to go back home thatā€™s ok.
Oracle: Iā€™ll just leave you guys alone now, even I have to finish with my research project, and maybe weā€™ll see each other again! * starts heading to the graveyardā€™s entrance*
Shawn: Um ok bye! So Mind what about you?
Mind: maybe we should start heading too.. it seem like a storm is coming
Shawn: Yea come on *starts walking*
Mind: *Follows you * so... ummmm... what do you like to do during your free time?
Shawn: Well I like to watch Netflix and just lay in my bed and think. But it gets lonely sometimes, ya know?
Mind: ya, I know... Iā€™ve been there my whole life since my mom died...
Shawn: *holds hand* Well now you have me
Mind: yea..! * blushes a bit*
Shawn: *smiles* So what do you do?
Mind: Well, i like to go to the beach, see the sunrise and sunset, go to the forest, basically mostly anything that involves nature...!
Shawn: Oh cool. The beach is nice. I always liked climbing trees
Mind: I donā€™t really climb trees, itā€™s not that Iā€™m scary of heights itā€™s that Iā€™m afraid of falling... ( true fact)
Shawn: Well your only afraid of falling because your afraid of the height (lol I really do love climbing tho)
Mind: ... l:l
Shawn: *arrives at apartment* here we are *opens door and holds it for you to go in first*
Mind: *walks in * thx! and you have a nice apartment! *smiles*
Shawn: Why thank you *smiles and goes to kitchen*
Mind: * sits on the couch *
Shawn: Want anything to drink? Are you hungry? *pulls out a bottle of water*
Mind: really- *yawns* but Iā€™m tried.. ( owo)
(what?) Shawn: Ok Iā€™ll take you to bed *picks him up bridal style and takes him to his room*
( itā€™s a face) Mind: *blushes red * uhhhhHH-
(oh lol)Shawn: *puts you on bed* I have some Pajamas if you want them
( *inserts Lenny face here*) Mind: Sure... I guess! * still blushing red*
Shawn: Ok *pulls out PJā€™s from drawer
Mind: I donā€™t understand why your so nice to me.... we just met this morning...
Shawn: Well for one, I know when someone needs help and two, *whispers* your cute *blushes*
Mind: *nosebleed and in heat*
Shawn: Oh my god. *runs to get tissue* what happened?
Mind: Iā€™m sorry, I couldnā€™t-, i mean- ugh...!
Shawn: No itā€™s ok. *rolls up tissue* here put it in your nose and hold the bridge
Mind: *blushes*
Shawn: What? Did I make it too hot? *chuckles* just kidding
Mind: what does that suppose to mean anyways!! *blushes madly*
Shawn: *laughs* Oh nothing. You poor innocent child
Mind: did you just assume my age!?
Shawn: Haha no its a joke. I meant like...AGH nothing
(Iā€™m sorry :ā€™) ) Mind: huh-...
Shawn: Um here *hands you the pajamas* um tell me when your done
Shawn: I canā€™t I just go change in the bathroom...?
Shawn: Um yea sure Iā€™ll be in my room across the hall if you need me *pulls out phone*
( WTHHHH if auto you shawn AHHHHHHHHH)
( can I kill self now I hate my grammar)
(lol itā€™s fine)
( ;-; )
Shawn: *on instagram*
Mind: * goes into bathroom and changes into pjs*
Shawn: *gets call from ex boyfriend* No not now Anthony
Mind: *leaves the bathroom, hears Shawn*
(whoā€™s Lenny?)
Shawn: No, listen I donā€™t love you anymore
(itā€™s a face mode, that you get off the internet)
Mind: * whispers to himself* huh-?
Shawn: Listen Anthony, I donā€™t want to deal with you. No you are not coming. No Antho- AGH!! *throws phone and cries*
Mind: *comes out from the corner* everything ok...!?
Shawn: *wipes tears and plops on floor* My ex is coming and he still loves me. He just so...AGH *cries more* He doesnā€™t understand I love someone else
Mind:...I wish I could help but I donā€™t know nothing of a relationship or even love...
Shawn: Um itā€™s ok just when he gets here stay in the room
Mind:...but Iā€™m worried about you!
Shawn: Your gonna get hurt
Shawn: *gets up and hears a knock* Go go
Shawn: *answers door* What Anthon- *gets slapped and knocked down* Ahh
Mind: *cries * SHAWN!!! *runs to help him out*
Shawn: Oh my god NO! *hits Anthony* WHAT THE HEŁŁ
Shawn: *literally kicks Anthony out and runs to bathroom*
Mind: * is too scary to move at the moment *
Shawn: Oh my god MIND!!! *runs to Mind* Are you ok? Did you get hit?
Mind: * shows a small but deep cut under his arm*...
Shawn: Oh my god Mind *carries him to the room* *runs and gets a band aid* Itā€™s ok
Mind: ugh...- * bleeds a lot*
Mind:*starts feeling dizzy*
Shawn: Mind!! *picks you up and lays you down* Iā€™m calling an ambulance
Mind: * coughs blood out *
Shawn: Oh my god...HELLO?! Yes umm my friend is coughing up blood and he almost fainted. Yes. the corner of Park and Main. Ok. Please hurry *hangs up* *Holds you* sshh itā€™s gonna be ok *crying*
Mind: *slowly start passing out* uhhh-.....
Shawn: NO MIND PLEASE *sobs* *door opens* Oh finally please heā€™s going...*stands up with you* No Iā€™ll carry him *runs to the truck* Here. Please Mind donā€™t leave me *sits on seat and holds your hand*
* 2 days later * ( welp)
Shawn: *waiting in room on knees crying* oh Mind Iā€™m so sorry
Mind: * starts waking up on the hospital bed * huh...?
Shawn: oh my god...nurse!! heā€™s awake *smiles*
Mind: w-* coughs * where a-am I...?
Shawn: Your in the hospital. Anthony cut you and you lost a lot of blood
Mind: ... *cries*
Shawn: Your ok. Itā€™s ok. Iā€™m here. *kisses your forehead*
Mind: ...! * blushes tomato red *
Shawn: *smiles*
Mind: Why do you love me so much?...
Shawn: You are amazing and you have been through hełł and back. I want you to feel loved. Plus you went to the hospital for me. That takes some balls. Also you really cute *whispers last part*
(what a sinner-boy)Mind: * blushes extra hard *
(lol yep) Shawn: Oh thank goodness nurse!
Nurse: Anything wrong?
Shawn: No heā€™s fine, right? *asks sincerey*
Nurse: alright, if anything bad happens push on the emergency button!
Shawn: yes maā€™am. *sits back down* Hey Mind?
Mind: yeah...?
Shawn: Do you wanna stay with me in my apartment
Mind: idk... I feel Iā€™m taking up space....
Shawn: No! I have too much space
Mind: alright, Iā€™ll stay... if you want to of course...
Shawn: Absolutely
Nurse: Shawn D. Hines?
(Iā€™m going night night so gn)
Shawn: Yes?
Nurse: We need you to fill some paperwork, please sir!
Shawn: Oh of course *to Mind* Iā€™ll be right back
Mind: Ok...!
Shawn: Umm ok paperwork?
Nurse: * gives you da paperwork * we just need a few signature and the doctor wants to talk to you once your done!
Shawn: *signs papers* Ok Iā€™m done miss!
Nurse: ok thank you, and the doctor will be waiting for you at the desk!
Shawn: *walks to desk* Yes doctor?
Doctor: Hereā€™s some papers for the medicine thatā€™s gonna arrive at you apartment tomorrow, and also a emergency button if anything like this happens alright.
Shawn: Yes Of course
Shawn: *walks into room* Iā€™m back
Mind: * coughs a little * hi!
Shawn: Well Iā€™m going to stay here they said you can go back in about two days
(^Iā€™m or we sorry my Mexican brain is not working well)
(Iā€™m staying with him and we are going back in two days)
(I hate myself:ā€™))
(lol donā€™t)
Mind: alright, so anything you want to do?
Shawn: Idk
(sins idk )
(what? you mean sĆŖx?)
( I guess so but not to dirty. I never did a dirty rp so dIs might be trash)
(meh) Shawn: *goes up to Mind and kisses you*
Mind: huh?! *blushes bright red *
Shawn: I canā€™t hide it anymore Mind
Mind: w-What do you mean?! ( goodbye my pure bean )
(lol itā€™s just PC not rl)
Shawn: I love you. Honestly
Mind: o-ok...! ( I know :ā€™) )
Shawn: Iā€™m sorry I made this uncomfortable *gets up*
Mind: itā€™s ok.! *blushes*
Shawn: *goes back down* Are you sure...?
Mind:and... I love you too...! * reaches out and hug Shawn *
Shawn: *in disbelief* Really? *gets call* Hold that thought
(hey Also you can be another character if you want to!)
Mind: ok...!
Shawn: Jessica? What do you-WHAT?!
(ok Iā€™ll try)
Shawn: What the...?! No! absolutely not! The person I love just got hurt by Anthony and he is not getting hurt by you too
Jess: Fine bye Shawn *hangs up* I keep getting these calls from my exes god
(meh I tried)
Shawn: Sorry
Mind: itā€™s ok really..!
Shawn: No itā€™s not *walks over to you*
Shawn: I will make sure no one else hurts you, ok?
Mind: thanks...! *blushes*
(Iā€™m going to sleep, well not rly. gonna watch Stranger Things and cry. GN)