If I do to answer it's bc I'm at my friends. I have no idea when she is coming to get me


If I do to answer it's bc I'm at my friends. I have no idea when she is coming to get me

5 0
ok X
I won't I just want to
I, you are but I keep waking up screaming people's names and sweating or I will be reading or somthing calm then flip and scream someone's name idk y tho
I won't
what ?!?!? ?!?!?!?!?!?!?
I love you. your the person I love the most in the entire world and that's the truth I promise xxxx
be you mean the most in the world to me and so did Eden and Amelia but I got hurt by them except you you were always there for me and I hope you always will be
I love you xxxx
I love you more
I'm aloud to pack and go to a friends so j will take that chance and go
my friend Chloe is coming to pick me up
everyone hates me anyway so yah no chance and thxxxx 😍😘😻😻😻😻😻😺😺😺😺😺😺
thanks she still doesn't know I took that picture xxxx lol
lol maybe
thanks xxx
thanks I'm walking with a wifi box just wow
thanks xxx
I hope you are having fun