she knows she has a hate and is to afraid to even talk to me!


she knows she has a hate and is to afraid to even talk to me!

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she's not afraid!she just doesn't want to talk to someone who has no heart!
please unfollow me. I don't want or need haters like you following me.
stop please
Just stop. She is ignoring you, so give it a rest. Your being immature and sorry not sorry, stupid. This is just a waste of time and unneeded effort. Your just some unimportant hater so leave her alone.
Unless your name is Google stop acting like you know everything
stop cyber bullying my cousin now!
stop hating on her, you poor, heartless, jealous creature
please do us all a favor and get your head out of your ašš. do something good with your life instead of spreading negativity and hate. our world has enough hate as it is and you're definitely not helping.
why? -luna-marie- is a nice person and makes amazing collages! And please unfollow me.
leave her alone.
she has even told everyone on pic collage she's over it to you better stop cyber bullying now
Because she doesn't want to talk to a bi444 like u
I bet your family is simply cacti. Hanging on to this, you're a pri*k