Collage by SocietyRants


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and 4009 pounds of makeup in middle school like CHILL
and kids with cell phones before 6th grade. YOU DONT NEED THEM. in 6th grade there's clubs and dances so you need to call ur parents for transport
I didn't get a phone till 6th grade. I knew a girl who was in SECOND GRADE with a phone with unlimited data. she had Instagram and Facebook. she brought her phone to school everyday. pathetic.
Thank you
I'm not getting a phone till grade ten so two years and I'm not gonna date yet but ik a girl who is mine and has a boyfriend
lol so true
I dated at 11 and it helped me be happier, we broke up a year and a half later, but I wouldn't trade that time for anything. it helped me mature and my boyfriend stood up for me when I was scared to. thanks to him I am a stronger person who stands up against bullying.
and about the phones and makeup, some people need to be able to call their parents because things happen, like my best friend's dad just died, and she needs to be able to call her family when her mother can't. People get bullied for having acne in middle school, so that usually makes them try makeup. Sometimes people just want to feel pretty too
I totally agree. I have a cousin that's 9 and she's already dating. I haven't even been on a date before😂sure I hang out with my crush but that different.
this is coming from a girl who is in her teen years😂
Hi,it's meh Sophia ok so my mom accidently deleted all my editing apps plz recommend some editing apps for meh and fonts it would mean,A LOT✨plz comment recommends on my latest post💕
Hey Mimi! It's Sophia, aka Beauxhomme. I know you won't be getting this, cause you havent posted in months, but if you do hello, hi :) i missed you 🌸