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ooh can't wait!
ya sorry I was at a church event
I got the edit app! my user is ImaginationCat or xImaginationCat
hello! it's all good...I can talk to him later when he is on
what's wrong?
hey...last time I talked to you, you seemed upset. then you kinda "disappeared" are you okay
huh? what do you mean?
because I like him. we've also been friends for a while
what do you mean? i talk to you lot!
so? I'm in 6th. and how dos I lie to you?
I did love you. but you clearly loved ImaginationCat more than me. Which is 100% fine but, I loved you. Yu don't know this but a long time ago when you first introduced your self I thought you were awesome. no matter how many times I tried talking to you you always set me aside. it was only 'till I met Drifter you really talked to me. but, you wanna know what really hurts...that you would treat me like this! I thought we we're friends!! I respect your options maybe you should try respect mine
really! seriously! Just because of me? why do you hate me?? What did I do? can you just be happy for me? And your going to quit because your mad at me? I don't understand!!!!! Why do you hate me???
and your the nightmare I can't escape!! I don't understand you😭 why can't you just be happy for me??
Why drifter?
I'm tired of this! I'm tired of all of you treating me like this!! if you guys hate me then just hate me stop torturing me!!😭😭😭
goodbye. I'm sorry but I can't handle it all right now