I tried to be aesthetic and it didn't work... And this poem $ux af. I don't even know if it counts as a poem😓😂


I tried to be aesthetic and it didn't work... And this poem $ux af. I don't even know if it counts as a poem😓😂

90 1
great poem👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Oh thanks but um its rlly honestly not😂✨
this is perfect btw💖😍💖
check Le page💘 Surprise ahoy 🌚
Thanks bby💕
it's kawaii like tomato-chan * huggles *
.-. And its trashy like her too *huggles*
Sakura isn't trashy * bear hugs *
Sakura would feel better if you admitted she was trashy :3
But lying isn't nice x(
it looks perfect, trust me