this edit is bAd but idc because
1.) it took me forever
2.) nico nico nico nico nico nicooo ahhhhh why does everyone hate her?¿? I understand she has her flaws but wow get ur shít together LoveLive! fandom👼


this edit is bAd but idc because 1.) it took me forever 2.) nico nico nico nico nico nicooo ahhhhh why does everyone hate her?¿? I understand she has her flaws but wow get ur shít together LoveLive! fandom👼

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but honestly I love Nico, she's one of my favorites in the series 💞
this is cute and btw I made a Nico edit for you on my page
I love Nico:3 She's the last on my list tho, but it's just how I would rank them💕
she reminds me of myself🌸
Thanks yours is too I don't really understand the hate for Nico seriously😕
Out of all the characters in Love Live, I act like Nico a lot:3
everyone's like "i hate nico!1!1!!1! she lied and has a bad attitude!1!1!!" yeah, she's HUMAN. What do you expect? Even little angelic Kotori lies and makes mistakes and nobody ever dísses her (not that anyone should)
*sits there cuz I don't know Lovelive stuff* *nods and pretends to understand*
NicO NicO NEEE😂😂