Thank you all for helping me through this. It is very hard to realize all of your followers, are gone.


Thank you all for helping me through this. It is very hard to realize all of your followers, are gone.

19 1
what happened
I was hacked by Fiona_The_Hacker
I'm so sorry she should be taken off of pc
I have reported her. now I am following anyone I can, so that I can get followers back. maybe you could go and tell people about my situation.
yeah follow my other accounts Julia-Julia-school , _royal-adoptions_ and girly pixies and they will all follow you back
also try following followsall
thank you!
of course
what was your other account name
BlueRazzle now it's called Blue_Razzle
I told her she should get a life and I reported her
she might hack you now...
someone take a screen shot of Fiona_The_Hacker 's comments on the collage that says: just hacked BlueRazzle. I can't see it because I blocked her. thanks!
Bluerazzle, I'm so sorry this happened to you! It must be terrible... I checked out the hackers acc and reported all her collages! I hope you get all your followers back!
I made it its in a remix for this post
just fill out the form on my add
I meant acc