k e n z i e


k e n z i e

23 0
aww your dog is cute!!
*cuddles you*
dàmn girl you got a boy? cuz if not;)
you're welcome:)
*pecks your forehead softly^
*smiles and watches you*
*smiles down at you
*blushes softly * you aree, you're the cutest
*kisses your nose* no no no you aree!!
*chuckles* yeahh, but I still think you're more *winks playfully and grins
*smiles and holds you close to me*
*smiles and watches you*
*runs my hand through your hair*
*kisses the top of your head*
*smiles down at you and rubs my thumb on your cheek*
of course you can
I'm really sorry about that, I know how hard it must be but you need to get over it in a way... I know it might be tough and really sad but you're strong and you're gonna get through this
idk Kenzie ... that's just life ig
i know
alright you're welcome, if you need anything I'll always be here for you
no problem beautiful <3
I'm pretty good, wby?
oh yeah sorry, anything I could do to make you happy?
aw I like talking to you too:)
*follows youI
*smiles and walks with you*
*smiles* what do you want to do first?
*runs to the swings and chuckles*
*goes behind you and pushes you*
*chuckles and keeps pushing you*
*smiles and rubs to the swing next to you*
*smirks* I bet you can't
*chuckles and starts swinging*