Collage by KAMI_NO_SHI


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I told you that you needed to calm down 🙄
Katie: Hi Blaze
blaze: hi, ghost I didn't do it
ghostwolf: well look at me now
Ok ghost you need to calm down or I'm going to fight thos people alone without you
ghost: I am calm I just look like a wolf so, let's fight them before I turn back
Ok fine but it's going to take us a long time to get there any ideas
ghost: anyone want a ride
Um sure
ghost: get on
blaze:* shoots fire out his feet* ill take the high road and check the perimeter
Ok *hops on ghost back* we'll meet you there blaze
Ok ghost lets go
ghost: ok*starts to run after the group*
blaze: see you there*flys up*
*holds on tightly to ghost*
ghost: *still running*are we getting close
Idk blaze y see anything up there
blaze: ya a group about 5 blocks up
K lets go *looks at ghost*
ghost: *looks back* ok hold on tight*run faster and faster*
(continue next college)
*holds on to him really close*