Would you rather: Instagram or pic collage


Would you rather: Instagram or pic collage

30 3
pic collage
pic collage because I don't have Instagram. I wish I did
pic collage
Instagram because I don't have it and I want it
pic collage I don't have Instagram
and pic collage seems better any way
pic collage
pic collage I don't have Instagram
pic collage coz I do not have Instagram
I do have Instagram but I chose piccolage!!
Instagram people know what it is! I wish I had it. my parents won't let me get it!
PicCollage because I don't have Insta
I have both//Cali
PicCollage because it's more interacting and creative! (plus, I ❤️ graphic design, and PC is exactly what that is!!)
pic collage bc I don't have Instagram