We're on


We're on

12 5
hey Brady u on ?
Matt is gonna kill himself
oh my god why
he left a note it says I will always love her
Mary Jesus what did she do *balls my fists * what do we do
I don't know
I am so sorry
I found another note
what does it say
it says she loved him more so that's why I'm leaving
oh my god I freaking knew this would happen she didn't love him more Ethan dumped her and thought help
he was talking to me earlier and he said that he thought she said that they were getting back together and Ethan came and they were fighting and then she said that she isn't with Matt she is with Ethan
nope he dumped her she always does this I feel so bad for both of the boys
me too
where is he now ?
I don't know
oh no what if he is already gone *looks down and tears roll down my face *
I don't know
so we just do nothing ?
I guess we can go find him
ok drive ?
*gets into the car and we drive to his house *
he's not here
where would he be ?
I don't know we don't talk a lot
are you sure he isn't here
ok but what do we do he shouldn't die like this
he might be in the backyard
ok *runs back there * Matt Matt you here ?!
Matt *runs to you * are you ok
I don't know
*looks at you * did you cut at all? Brady come here I found him !
yes I did*shows you*-Matt ok coming-Brady
*gasps * oh my god . Brady get some towels and bandages
ok *goes inside*-Brady
*looks at you * Matt don't cut over Mary you don't deserve the pain (thinks Brady please hurry )
Matt-yes I do*cries*. Brady-I'm here*hands you the stuff*
*grabs the stuff * no you don't she wouldn't want this for you - thanks Brady *hugs you *
Matt-yes I do Brady-your welcome
Matt listen to me she doesn't *Mary turns the corner and walks here * I really don't
Matt-mary*looks at you*
*smiles *thanks Anna for telling me *hugs Anna * no prob -Anna
I don't want you hurt please don't do it *looks at you * -Mary
Matt-I thought you hated me
why would I ? I thought you hated me
I would never hate you
*hugs you *
(Brady let's go somewhere else I can see where we aren't wanted )
*hugs back*and plus I thought you were leaving me
I had to I caused you to much pain (go in our chat page )
everything was all my fault (ok)
stop blaming yourself *looks at you *
well it is
it's not *puts my hands on your face *
yes it is*looks at you*
*looks away * it's all mine please just let me take the blame for once
but it's not
what did you do that was so wrong
when I let you walk off
it's fine it's over
please don't leave me
what do you mean we have been apart for quite some time now πŸ˜”
I mean don't die is what I'm saying
I I won't *covers up my arms *
what ?
ok *looks at you *
*looks around and think why did I start this*
*sits down *
*keeps thinking*
*sighs and looks at the ground *
*thinks I'm stupid*
*thinks what am I doing here *
*thinks I still love her*
so ..
what now
I don't know
(thinks I should probably go )*gets up *
where you going
I mean I want to stay but why would I ? *looks at you *
what do you mean
why should I stay we aren't even talking
I just don't know anymore
then why does it matter * looks at you and starts to walk *
it does
but we aren't doing anything
we are just looking at each other I'm going to walk you can come
ok*gets up*
*walks and looks at your cuts *
*pulls my sleeves down*
* looks away *
* walks * (thinks why does he cut for me )
*walks and thinks I love her why did this happen*
* walks and looks at you *
because I love you okay
,* looks at you confused * what are you talking about
I'm guessing you were wondering why I was cutting right?
that's why
*looks at you * Matt
why * looks at you and then looks away *
why what
you do this but you shouldn't if you love me you wouldn't do this * holds your arms *
I thought you were gonna kill yourself so I tried
*hugs you tight * whispers * I would never do that
I thought you were
I know but I wouldn't then I would loose everything I cared about *walks and looks at you *
so have you met any nice girls
yeah but I think the one I'm talking to might be mad at me
oh why ?
she just called me an aΕ›Ε›hole
ouch well she is the aΕ‘Ε‘hΓΆle
now she is yelling at me
what for ?
so when she called me an a hole I said thanks just what I needed to hear and she was like I've been trying to help you all day and I was like it's not my fault I'm depressed
and then she was like okay it's not my fault your being an aΕ›Ε›
oh well that's my fault so she can talk to me jk jk I don't need all that but I'm sorry
I really hate that girl
lol than just tell her to leave you alone
I'm not kidding I called her a bΓ―tch
ohhh burn πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
she was like thanks for being an aΕ›Ε› and I was like your welcome bΓ―tch
I don't like her if you can't tell
I saw you said that girls are bΓ―tches I assume u were talking about me πŸ˜‚πŸ€”
no not you
mhmmmm πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ it's fine idc
it's true tho but it's fine so anyone else 😏😏
maybe you just aren't looking hard enough
I'm not looking at all
why not you are perfect to me I bet someone feels the same way
why not you don't think so
I'm not perfect and I know no one is looking for me
you don't know that
yeah I do
that's girl was right ya know
she said that you won't get better alone
yeah I know but I still don't like her
not her someone else
who are you talking about
just someone no one special you should just look and maybe someone is there πŸ’‘
what I'm just trying to help if don't want it fine be depressed πŸ˜”β˜ΉπŸ™„πŸ˜’
girls these days
I'm just kidding
but I'm serious you should at least try
I will
ok πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—
hey -Mary