I think this is so pretty! What about you??😊


I think this is so pretty! What about you??😊

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catloverx I'm kinda felling left out....😿
are we still friends?
cool hi
I had a chat like this wth disco girl!
how long did it last??
it's in the morning ginger is bugging me for food
it lasted 10 minutes ish
cute! and cool
my cat is also a pester when it comes to food!
I'll remix a cute pic on this ok!!
aww so cute!!!
your cat is like where is da food??
let me eat! yo foods
my cat is super weird
she thinks water comes out of my finger so you have to be THERE when the drinks
she drinks
mine too! he doesn't have front paws and he has killed a starling, baby bird, bat , mice and a bunny!!!
or she will tip her water bowl over spilling the water
oh! Ginger is an inside cat but once my mom left her outside by accident in the winter we found her out there an other after my mom "accidentally" left her out there!
mine too! he chases bouncy balls and puts it in his mouth, carries it over too me and then I throw it, he runs drops it in his water bowl then tips it over!!
yea my cat is kinda a kitten she plays fetch too!
lol! was your cat crying to let her in?? my cats a in cat too but likes to play out and eat snow!!😟
she is three in human years and 21 in cat years (cat years multiply my 7)
we couldn't hear her but she hasn't really seen snow so the was in the middle of a snow barrier
?? catgirl4121??
we have been talking for 33 minutes!!πŸ±πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ’―πŸ’©
oh wow!
yeah!! new record!!
hey I was thinking we could make an account together where we post stuff about cats!
yes! that's a great idea!!
but what can the account be called??
what shout we call it?
I don't know??
the password is catloverxrocks
would be both know the password and email??
imma gonna make it
here is the account
I put in a random email though
the pass is Catloverxrocks
wait? will you delete this account and give it to your sister or smileyface or have both accounts??
both accounts
we share this one
we have been talking for almost a hour!!
cool! both accounts