


2 0
OMG bae ur on 💜
Pls I have nothing to do :/
hey bra
I mean bro .-.
You jump off bridge? I gonna miss your E-mails.
Oh my gosh!!! Dude someone hacked you!!! I went on Cutsie this morning and she had no items on :( and there is no items
There is only like 2 den items! I'm worrying for you. Change your pass and everything! I'll try and find some friends to donate to you. Please respond so I can help you! And don't quit, Your all I have on AJ who is a true friend.
Please respond :( I am worrying about you, I even cried I thought y left me forever.
Hey senpai c: Miss you
miss you
I miss you ;-;
I miss you :((
I miss you :( Please comment back, I'm so worried about you and miss you so much
Please comment :(
Comment please I'm so lonely ;-; I miss you so much it's not even funny </3
Please comment :(
i miss you...