👾Tracer👾 (TAP)

I’ve hit a new low in this series....

#3 of my overwatch collage series~
What do you all think?


👾Tracer👾 (TAP) I’ve hit a new low in this series.... #3 of my overwatch collage series~ What do you all think?

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oh okay :) I though I messed up already haha ♥️
Hey, can I post on -TheARTofMUSIC-?
Got it! No worries!❤️
thanks for the spam 💕
thank you so so so much. you have no idea how much that helps. it was hard enough with my mom and everything, and now my grandpa? like, wth God, why you gotta mess with me?? (I’m Christian, btw..)
tysm. you mean a lot. most people just say “oh, I’m sorry. I wish ya luck.” like, wth?
thank you, and I know you are. I appreciate everything you’ve said. and... I’ve never told anyone online this.. but I have anxiety too. so, we can both look out for each other!!
ok, well, I’m going to bed bc it’s almost 10 where I live and ya know, school. so.. see you tmr!! gn
Put ur name in and remix it back to me and don’t show Maddy!
Yeah! U Canadian too?
Thanks so much!
no problemmmmmmmm and tyyy :D
re:// Thank you!❤️
^^^For the compliment and for enetering.😂❤️
please help me to choose my icon
oh, sorry...
I didn’t know...
I just commented on the account...
Omg thank youuu!!!!
I want to do thit commit not live