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ur not cute I gotta gf who ain’t a gold digger
and she LOVES me
u never said yes
and why u think u gotta show ur bôobs dog that’s just nasty
and I don’t need your bôobs anyways cuz my girlfriends r bigger
yadi yadi ya I don’t rlly care you where the one that made me breakup with my gf i mean where back together now but still
hard not to what?
I wasn’t having fun if anything I just so grossed out by the way that you treated me
you where treating me like your bby dxddy or something and to guys that’s not a good feeling
bc u told me too
well I’m a loyal and faithful guy to my girl and don’t just want her for sèx
ya you kinda did
I should have know what a player looks like you just used me anyway
all bc YOU wanted to
um no I couldn’t have
oh hèll nah u jus makin up śhit rn
jus no
wanna dirty rp?
hey beautiful how have you been lately//khloe