☁ this one is not as good but winwin is very pretty too :( ☁


☁ this one is not as good but winwin is very pretty too :( ☁

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okay, first of all, I’m so so sorry that I haven’t replied yet, things have just been really hectic lately. I’m writing my reply now, so hopefully I’ll post it tomorrow? and second of all, this style is so stunning! seriously, this is art! you are so talented and you really make the best edits! love this!❤️
also, Winwin looks so cute agsjsh😍
Re:// It’s okay, don’t worry about it. Sorry I’m really late responding, I didn’t see your comment till a couple of days ago and I didn’t have time to respond because I was so busy. Yeah, I was pretty sure my bias was Winwin but then I was like, “omg Mark is just too cute he needs to be my bias!!” So, I think my biases are Winwin + Mark (and my bias wrecker is Taeyong). Yeah, same, I used to think people under 30 were very young to be in the music industry, but in kpop it’s kind of like the younger the better. Yeah, Chewing Gum is a really fun song! It’s really catchy and yas! The mv! I love it!! It’s honestly really aesthetic and it gives off such a fun vibe! You can’t give hate because they’re “too young”! As for them being too bubblegum poppy, like come on! It’s just their mvs and, as they say in one of their songs, they’re young, so they just want to have fun! (Sorry, that was cringey). Yes, I listened to Joy!! It’s so nice and their singing is s o g o o d!! Fall Out Boy’s new song is a difficult one to sing. Ugh, yeah, I should have smacked them like I was so annoyed! I started listening to kpop because I thought it sounded really interesting. When I started listening to it, I had no idea how obsessed I would get :D I get what you mean by it doesn’t distract you as much when you are studying. It is a bit like people listen to classical music, except kpop is way more awesome and amazing! I wonder if back in the day, people stanned Mozart and there was a fandom and stuff (I doubt it, but still). Yeah, I wish would just give it a chance!! It’s so annoying when people straight up refuse to listen to it because it’s Korean >:0 I do have a friend that asked for kpop recommendations and actually listened to it before judging it. I guess kpop isn’t for everyone, you either love it or don’t. Yeah, I mean, at least I listen to the stuff friends recommend. I’ve always wanted to visit Sweden too! You’re so lucky you have snow! It hardly ever snows here, and when it does it doesn’t stick :/ there’s plenty of rain, though! Is there a lot of snow or just a bit? Everything does look so pretty in the snow :-) Ireland is grand, but it’s been very cold lately! Ahh, the Mic Drop remix! I prefer the soundtrack from the mv though. It’s not that I don’t appreciate Desiigner’s rap, I just prefer Hoseok’s and Yoongi’s raps :) For some reason, I really like Red Velvet’s album covers? They’re so aesthetic and awesome. I listened to everything you recommended (and also downloaded everything you recommended!). I really enjoyed listening to some of Monsta X’s music and san e + mad clown’s songs!! They’re both so catchy and just really good! *+:•.• some questions to keep the conversation going•.•:+* What are your favourite subjects in school? Do you have any pets? Favourite colour? Favourite things about kpop? Pet peeves? ^^sorry, they are the worst questions e v e r!! Again, so sorry for the late reply💕
oh, do you celebrate Christmas? if you do, what did you get?