Any single guys


Any single guys

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is Ryan on
he left
ur so mean why would u say that to meπŸ˜“πŸ˜­
sorry ~ Hannah
I don't know if I can forgive you
so you like my brother
yeah were kind of engaged
he doesn't stop talking about you omg it's crazy
yeah it's always about MATTIA
aw he's so sweet
he's my Brother and my other brother likes u too
which one
his name is Sean
really he likes me I thought i wasn't his type oh and this was way before I wan dating Ryan when I thought this
that's Sean right
I thought he was more into cheerleaders and girls like that
nope he likes you talk to him
but I'm with Ryan
hey smoking hot girl wana make out Ryan will be fine with it 😘😱
nah you should date me
I I ....I 😢
hey babe you can try and date him for a day and then see who you like better I am cool with that ~ Ryan
I'm with Ryan he's my something special and I don't want to lose that......I'm sorry
but Ryan I'm with u
hey Sean we an be friends but that's all I'm with ur brother he beat u to me
ok fine
hey before I meet ur brother I had a crush on u I just didn't think I was ur time so in away I guess I was to shy to ask if u liked me
I love you
Sean I'm dating ur brother but yes I used to like u
you used to like me ~ Sean
flips hair can't blame you
Sean do u wanna hang out fully get to know each other
yes u were like my fantasy guy I could never get but I meet ur brother and fell in love
thx for understanding so what do u want to do
Sean what do u want to do i mean if u want to hang out
make out
other than that Sean I'm trying make the whole I'm dating one brother and the other brother likes me to thing work
he won't have to know
Sean no lets actually do something like go to the park go, or a movie or somewhere
let's go to the movie I will pay
k wanna go
kisses u
grabs ur check and kisses u gently
Sean if u keep this up we won't go I'm with ur brother
babe relax your with me now I am here now
who is this Sean or Ryan
how about we clear our heads and go to the movie
k so are we taking ur car
nah I am rich so we're taking a privite jet
o really just to get to the movies are we going to another state while we're at Jesu it just the movies
Sean u there
bye leaves you in the movie theaters and leave a
where u going wait Sean
grabs ur hand Sean wait
I guess ur not happy about me and ur brother dating
what u like my brother
of course I do were....were
in love
no were engaged
Sean I' sorry
laughs don't worry about it were cool hugs it out
raps my arms around ur waist so what do u wanna do
for the rest of the day
or we can do nothing
okay by Sean I guess
by babe ~ Ryan
what Ryan
hey babe ~Ryan
is this actually Ryan
hey Ryan
Sean is Ryan on
yeah babe