Comment here if you are interested in the AU! Also, please do the thingy on my third collage. Thanks!


-CLICK- Comment here if you are interested in the AU! Also, please do the thingy on my third collage. Thanks!

35 0
can I join the AU?
Oooo! That sounds like a really neat AU!
@your comment Totally! I can't wait to see it finished! It'll be amazing!
No, but I've read the book! It's seriously one of my favorites :)
I'll be sure to check them out! :D (Also, do you have a Spotify account?)
Oh, I was just going to ask if I should get Spotify and how it works.
But is it good? Do you use it a lot?
I'd join the AU but I haven't seen Phantom of the Opera. Should I still join?
@your comments Ok thanks! AND SMOKEY QUARTZ? YES!!!
I just love her design! And her voice is perfect! I feel like she would be the best Pun Masterâ„¢ XD
Definitely! I can't wait for more Steven fusions!
I'm starting today and im rlly nervous
I love the sound of that au how do I get in
have you seen SMOKEY QUARTZ SHES SO COOL btw amethyst is my favorite