It is too cUTeU!


It is too cUTeU!

20 0
sure! sry I was on a rp thing lol
πŸ˜‚ no it's fine. Okay so a collab is basically a collage made by two people. So we can do several jobs and we can give each other jobs that we can work on. For example: I would find ( or make) the background and you would find the quote. Then you ( or me) could arrange the quote on the collage and that would be our collab or collage we made together. It's super easy, I'll help you along the way if you need any help. If you don't want to do it anymore that's fine too
Only discretion is I don't know many K-POP bands ( even tho I'm listening to K-pop rn lol) so I can still do k-pop quotes but I won't know many bands
sorry for the lengthy comment πŸ˜…
πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ okay I legit only got into k-pop like a month ago
But anyway, do u still want to do this? or no?
okay!! sry I was busy
hmm.. let's see how about traveling? lol
C to the U to the T to the E JESUS THAT’S CUTE
lol yah! let's do that!!! sry I didn't see your txt until now!
okay so do you want me to do the quote and put it together and u find the background or vice versa?