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I'm thinking about trying to watch Soul Eater.... do you think it's worth my time even though I'm in the middle of other series's that I'm trying to finish?
OMG YES! It's my favorite anime series so far!! I've rewatched it many a times and I've read all the books! this series is amazing. I recommend watching it first then reading it because the ends are different. I really love the series because in my opinion out of all series, the characters grow the most in this one
so you should definitely watch it you won't regret it
Okay, I tried watching it a bit back but it lost me on the first episode because I find Soul and Maka extremely annoying
I'll try it again though since you say it's good!
I love character development
trust me they get less annoying
especially in the manga series
I thought they were annoying too but Soul became my fav character so here we are XD and it is really good
I also recommend the manga because of the back stories
Well, I'm kinda taking a break from manga to use my money to buy X-Men comic books instead
that's cool
that is so sad that reminds me of Dan and drago get separated