I'm Dan I'm 14 and I'm a PC kid


I'm Dan I'm 14 and I'm a PC kid

74 18
hey Dan
hey dude
I'm Beth's pc sister
who is this?
Lexie- Beth's Sister
Lexie who?
my sister said she's doesn't know u sorry
but she must!!! It's me Lexie. Beth please I'm sorry what have I done
it Dan Beth is crying over something that happened
she doesn't
why is Beth crying- PLZ tell me why
I don't know she's just upset something has happened between me and my family
she will be on soon
ok good coz well- just tell her, I love her so much! 😭
she doesn't want to hear anything from u and then she comes on go onto one of her collages
why doesn't she want to her from me
why doesn't she wanna hear from me
I don't know she will be on in 5 minutes yeah?
hi I'm Dan
yeah cool so how do u know us?
oh ok cool doesn't sound good then!
is it really?
oh that's bad then
no Beth doesn't hate u
hey I'm TJ
I mean Dan and TJ
she loves u really!
oh ok it's not your fault
no it's not
TJ and Beth
both of us
so what u wanna do?
I don't know u chose
hey it's Beth here
oh dear do u need my help?
I will help u
to if u die I die to so don't u dare I will get on the train to see u
really who is it someone at school?
u threw a brick?
u will be the one that gets you're rights but they thing is they will not do anything
oh dear was it a boy or girl?
and how is the bully's name?
oh ok
btw I have to go now so yeah bye see u Tomoz at 6:30am?
hey it's TJ
yeah let's go *hold nands*
it's was good how was yours*holds your hand tigthly*
oh ok wanna go to costa or Starbucks?
oh ok what u want I will pay
oh ok will do
*come back * here u go
it's ok *walks to a bench
oh ok cool
quiet about what?
I really like u!
I think I went a big to far!
no I just posted something!
but u have a boyfriend
btw have u spoken to him today ?
what he say?
oh ok but then are u going to dump him?
I break everyone's heart because I do boxing and I broke my uncles rib
yeah I was sorry
I didn't mean it so I'm pretty strong!
bye gtg
why u wanted to know?
oh ok cool?
so what's up?
oh ok which one of us?
all of us?
oh ok
it was good thanks *all holds hands
how was yours?
*me and u in the middle of the boys* so where we going?
oh ok
Victoria park u want me to sit it the back or front?
I will sit in the front*gets in* want me to tell u where u are going
are we there yet?*looks at my phone upset*
nothing just nothing
are we? I will tell u soon once the boys have gone
please what?
oh ok we will go in the skate park
hey Kody what did u need me alone for?
no not really but who cares
no don't do this again please
what did Beth do?
why btw it wasn't her it was Dan
yeah Dan likes u and thought it would be good to say that to your older boyfriend
I'm sorry I'm going to leave pic collage
it's Beth and I know what u are asking about me I thought we were best friends but no, so everyone on this account is leaving
no we are leaving u have someone who loves u
no if u leave I will leave all my accounts and kills myself
it's ok but I'm leaving I will miss u
u hate mr don't u?
Beth and TJ and Dan
u did say it
yeah but do u hate me just tell me
so u do
oh ok
yeah whatever
yeah if u want
cool wanna get to know each other and maybe date?
hey beth just had some bad news
I will tell u at 7pm
I'm I'm TJ
good u?
tell me
I know how it feels move schools
don't die
I'm sorry u can't move
stand up for who u are
*puts my arm around u* u always have us u know that and Bethany has been through so much and she knows the girl problems like every month thing
oh whatever they are called talk to Bethany about it
who u want to come?
oh ok Bethany will drive yeah!
she thinks she knows! I know where it is
TJ: I know where it is I will drive and u and Beth can talk yea?
let's go then go everything girls?
so u girls can talk to each other without me listening
so Kody how are u?
I'm good thanks just hate period pains/cramps
yeah I have them in real life
so are we going in the sea?
lol I have it every time I go on holiday it seems! so are we going to go for ice-cream?
oh ok
we are here's!-TJ
sorry Tomoz at 7am
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wཽhཽoཽ iཽsཽ iཽtཽ?
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n̤̈ä̤ m̤̈ä̤n̤̈ Ï̤ l̤̈ö̤v̤̈ë̤ ṳ̈
n̤̈ä̤ ṳ̈ d̤̈ö̤n̤̈'ẗ̤!
s̤̈ö̤ ḧ̤ö̤ẅ̤ 😊 ö̤l̤̈d̤̈ ṳ̈ ä̤g̤̈ä̤ï̤n̤̈ ï̤n̤̈ r̤̈ë̤ä̤l̤̈l̤̈ÿ̤ f̤̈ö̤r̤̈ s̤̈ẍ̤
s̤̈ö̤ ö̤l̤̈d̤̈ r̤̈ë̤ä̤l̤̈l̤̈ÿ̤ f̤̈ä̤s̤̈ẗ̤!
n̤̈ö̤ Ï̤ m̤̈ë̤ä̤n̤̈ ṳ̈ ä̤r̤̈ë̤ j̤̈ṳ̈s̤̈ẗ̤ m̤̈ä̤k̤̈ï̤n̤̈g̤̈ ṳ̈p̤̈ ÿ̤ö̤ṳ̈r̤̈ ä̤g̤̈ë̤-d̤̈ä̤n̤̈
ẅ̤ḧ̤ÿ̤ n̤̈ö̤ẗ̤?
ẅ̤ë̤l̤̈l̤̈ m̤̈ÿ̤ b̤̈r̤̈ö̤ẗ̤ḧ̤ë̤r̤̈ l̤̈ä̤ r̤̈ë̤ä̤l̤̈l̤̈ÿ̤ ṳ̈p̤̈s̤̈ë̤ẗ̤ ä̤n̤̈d̤̈ s̤̈ẗ̤r̤̈ë̤s̤̈s̤̈ë̤d̤̈ ẗ̤ḧ̤ä̤ẗ̤ j̤̈ ä̤r̤̈ë̤ l̤̈ÿ̤ï̤n̤̈g̤̈ ẗ̤ö̤ ḧ̤ï̤m̤̈
ÿ̤ë̤ä̤ḧ̤ ÿ̤ë̤ä̤ḧ̤ s̤̈ṳ̈r̤̈ë̤ ẗ̤ḧ̤ä̤ẗ̤'s̤̈ ẅ̤ḧ̤ÿ̤ ḧ̤ë̤ ḧ̤ä̤s̤̈ l̤̈ö̤c̤̈k̤̈ë̤d̤̈ ḧ̤ï̤m̤̈s̤̈ë̤l̤̈f̤̈ ï̤n̤̈ ẗ̤ḧ̤ë̤ c̤̈ä̤r̤̈d̤̈b̤̈ö̤ä̤r̤̈d̤̈
ÿ̤ë̤ä̤ḧ̤ ẅ̤ë̤l̤̈l̤̈ ï̤f̤̈ ṳ̈ ḧ̤ä̤v̤̈ë̤ s̤̈ë̤ë̤n̤̈ m̤̈ÿ̤ f̤̈ä̤m̤̈ï̤l̤̈ÿ̤ ẗ̤ḧ̤ë̤n̤̈?
n̤̈ö̤ b̤̈ë̤c̤̈ä̤ṳ̈s̤̈ë̤ ẅ̤ë̤ ḧ̤ä̤v̤̈ë̤ ä̤ f̤̈ä̤m̤̈ï̤l̤̈ÿ̤ ẅ̤ï̤ẗ̤ḧ̤ m̤̈ö̤n̤̈ë̤ÿ̤ ä̤n̤̈d̤̈ ä̤r̤̈ë̤ ä̤l̤̈l̤̈ m̤̈ö̤d̤̈ë̤l̤̈s̤̈
n̤̈ö̤ ï̤f̤̈ ṳ̈ d̤̈ö̤ m̤̈ÿ̤ ẅ̤ḧ̤ö̤l̤̈ë̤ ä̤c̤̈c̤̈ l̤̈ë̤ä̤v̤̈ë̤s̤̈
Ï̤ j̤̈ṳ̈s̤̈ẗ̤ n̤̈ë̤ë̤d̤̈ ṳ̈, ẅ̤ë̤ n̤̈ë̤ë̤d̤̈ ṳ̈-B̤̈Ë̤ẗ̤ḧ̤, T̤̈J̤̈, D̤̈ä̤n̤̈, b̤̈ä̤b̤̈ÿ̤ c̤̈ḧ̤ä̤r̤̈l̤̈ö̤ẗ̤ẗ̤ë̤
j̤̈ṳ̈s̤̈ẗ̤ p̤̈l̤̈ë̤ä̤s̤̈ë̤ *k̤̈ï̤s̤̈s̤̈ ṳ̈ ḧ̤ë̤ä̤d̤̈*-b̤̈ë̤ẗ̤ḧ̤
ö̤k̤̈ ẗ̤ḧ̤ä̤n̤̈k̤̈s̤̈ b̤̈ẗ̤ẅ̤ ẅ̤ë̤ c̤̈ä̤n̤̈ ẗ̤ä̤l̤̈k̤̈
ö̤ḧ̤ ö̤k̤̈ c̤̈ö̤ö̤l̤̈ ẅ̤ä̤n̤̈n̤̈ä̤ ẗ̤ö̤ j̤̈ṳ̈s̤̈ẗ̤ m̤̈ë̤ ä̤n̤̈ ṳ̈-b̤̈ë̤ẗ̤ḧ̤
ÿ̤ë̤ä̤ḧ̤ Ï̤ d̤̈ö̤n̤̈'ẗ̤ m̤̈ï̤d̤̈
ö̤ḧ̤ ö̤k̤̈ c̤̈ö̤ö̤l̤̈ s̤̈ö̤ ẅ̤ä̤n̤̈ẗ̤ g̤̈ö̤ s̤̈ḧ̤ö̤p̤̈p̤̈ï̤n̤̈g̤̈ l̤̈ä̤ s̤̈ö̤m̤̈ë̤ẗ̤ḧ̤ï̤n̤̈g̤̈?
ö̤ḧ̤ ö̤k̤̈ r̤̈p̤̈
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question what
seen it
remixed what