And the award 
for the World's Worst Collager 
goes to... 
*drum roll* 


And the award for the World's Worst Collager goes to... *drum roll* ME! CONGRATS! πŸΎπŸŽŠπŸŽˆπŸŽ‰

21 0
Round 4 Part 2 Of The Fandom Games is up! Due 28th July- ONLY TWO DAYS!!! This is a Part for only you and MickeyMouse94560! I know you already entered the first part but I could choose between the two Of you πŸ™ƒ
I hope this helps!???? xx
awwwwe thank you fren!! <33 i think i'm going to let it grow :)) (also the lumineers are amazing AGAGAHDHAHAHJA)