Collage by That_Squad


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sure! -Alexa
okay cool! wait....are you Alexa Tatum...?
aww!! my brother is like in love with yo--*water breaks* uh oh....
he does!? and what's wrong!?
I-I'm in Labour! *screams*
are you serious?!?
yes!! *gets terrible contractions* *screams louder* HELP! ITS HAPPENING!
umm okay!! *panics* I don't have my phone with me!!
I don't Care!! *screams again* *contractions get worse* just do SOMETHING!
u-uhh..okay...*grabs her hand and hurries to her car
*cant wait* *screams* HURY! *gets in
okay! okay! *starts car*
*crosses legs and breathes heavily* I-I'm s-so s-scared...
*starts driving* Just Breathe....its gonna be okay...i promise..*drives fast
S: *contractions get even worse* ALEXA HURRY I CANT WAIT! *freaks out*
*jumps and swerves car* Sorry! *looks at her and gulps then drives faster*
-they get to hospital- FINALLY! *breathes heavily8
*helps her out* Lets Go
*can feel it* *hurries into hospital* I NEED A DOC!
*walks to front desk and tells them she's in labour and needs a doc right away
*crosses legs* *tears up* *breathes heavily*
Doc) *shows them to room* / Alexa: *walks with them
Selena: *feels relieved and walks in* *changes into hospital gown then comes back out*
doc: okay how do you want it give birth?
sitting down I guess....*doc sits her down*
Doc) takes her temp.
C-Can I give birth now...?
D) No.
What!? The baby is coming NOW! why not!?
Doc) We have to take a test then do your check up.
*baby pushes* No! Pleazs!
I'm sorry.
*gets ready to test her
*get tested
(lol) *starts test
*finishes and looks at results
it seems like it hadn't been growing...
*gets super super bad contraction and screams* W-What does t-that m-mean?
*looks at xray* it means the baby might not be fully healthy
yes that is true.
I can't wait any longer the baby is coming I NEED to give birth!
*sighs* sure..but I'm not aloud to deliver yet
well PLEASE find someone who can! I'm basically giving birth right now!
okay! *leaves room*
*baby pushes fiercely* Oh No ugh
*comes back 20 minutes later* ready? - Doc
it's coming and it won't stop so YES! b-but w-where's Alexa...?
doc) I don't know. but if you're ready then let's go.
*gulps* I...okay...*spreads my legs apart and let's go of baby^
okay...when I say go...start pushing...
*nods slowly and holds baby
Wait!! *pulls legs together again*
what's wrong? you sad you were ready
I-I can't...*gets another contraction*
I need to find her!
*feels baby* oh boy...ugh...ALEXA!!
*alexa is no where*
*baby pushes* *groans* ALEXA!!??
--still not there--
*feels something* *gulps* *cant move
Doc) *leaves room* // P: *stare at her
*moves legs really close together and holds It tight* *grabs bag
umm...are you okay..? -Doc
*cant wait* You What?!
((shoot wrong post)) I need to get my friend...*tries to hold it in*
(lol) Patients: *stare at her* // Doc: Ma'am you're in labour and are giving birth please get back here
my friend promised shed be here!!
Ma'am this isn't safe for the baby or you!
*cant do anything* *tears up
*takes her hand* come on
*brings her back to room
*sits back down and tears up*
*bites lip and spreads legs a
*apart then let's go
Start Pushing.
*when she lets go the baby pushes* *starts pushing but it hurts
Harder Plz
*pushes as hard as she can
*pushes harder
*gets scared* *looks at doc
it's almost out!
g-good...*cant push anymore so just fully lets go
Keep Pushing.
I Can't
N-No I C-Cant...
Ma'am...You Need To Finish. You're Almost Done.
*suddenly screams and pushes hard's....out!!
I-I was supposed to have twins...
you were? *looks at xray
*feels a kick* *ignores it and smiles at her baby girl* I'm gonna name you...Rachel Rose Gomez!!
I don't see another one...that's weird..
*feels kicking and feels another one* *gulps*
Are You Okay?
Does the baby seem healthy!
yeah!! *feels baby moving and gulps*
((can i play someone else other than the doctor)) are you sure you don't feel anything else? you still look pregnant..-Doc
*baby kicks and pushes a little* *gulps* I-I don't Know.....
((thx!)) Justin) *comes in* Hey! // Doc) *looks at x-Ray*
*baby pushes more* H-Hey Justin....
*doesnt see anything in her stomach* Hmm...// Justin) Just one? she's adorable...
*baby pushes harder* T-Thanks..*fake smiles*
you okay?
Fine! ready to go?
Yeah...I guess..
okay..*stands up and holds Rachel*
*walks out
*walks to car then gets contraction* Justin?
*gets another one that's worse* N-Nothing..*gets in*
Umm...Are In Labour Again or Something?
W-Whaaat? No Way!
Let's Go! *stars car
*gets more contractions* *starts driving
*looks at her *
*tries to ignore the baby* *smiles at Rachel
*baby is pushing
Selena I Can Tell Something's Wrong
*gets a really terrible contraction but tries to ignore it cuz she's driving* *moves legs closer together and drives
*looks back at Rachel* She's Adorable...
*breathes heavily*
I said She's Adorablex
T-Thanks! *puts hand on belly and keeps driving
Why did you stop?
*cant hold it but can't trust him* B-Bird in road..
I didn't see one?
*drives fast* too bad I did okay shut up
Jeez calm down...
I CANT! *drives
Why Not?!
CUZ! I have a new born baby, another one coming any se-day...and YOU!
*groans* How Many More?
Yeah..*drops him off at his house
What Are You Doing?
Dropping You Off. *drives away then turns a corner and parks in an abandoned gas station* *breathes heavily*
*sighs* *goes inside* // Alexa) *is walking down the street holding stomach with Blake*
*sees her and waves*
*waves* *goes over to her* Y-You Okay?
N-Not Really...I thought you were in labour..?
I am. Blake told me to change so the baby won't come but it's not stoping it.
Sorry...yeah I changed after giving birth to Rachel...I have two more trying to come..*sighs8
It Hurts. And Wow..*sighs* *gets a super bad contraction telling her there's no way she can wait* BLAKE CARSON!
In having this baby and there is no way I'm waiting!
Selena) *water breaks* *ignores it*
Blake) *sighs* *gulps* Well...You Can't!
Why Won't You Let Me?!
C-Cuz! Come on we're going to get the car!
*groans* *pulls pants up more and lets go so she can walk
I-It's Fine..*baby tries to push out and she grabs it
Blake) *feels bad but keeps walking* I LoveYou Babe....// Selena: *watches them and accidentially lets go* *backs up and starts driving again*
You Too.
Selena) *is on highway* *baby comes* // *smiles* I'm Sorry. I Just....
It's F-Fine..*baby comes fast* *forces it back
*ignores it* // You Okay?
Not Really...
*baby comes faster* // I'm sorry...
*tries to hold it in* // D-Don't Worry About It
*screams but keeps driving* // *feels bad*
*baby keeps coming
*looks at her then down
*goes on phone*
*looks at him
*looks sorry*
What's Wrong?
I'm Really Sorry Alexa...
For what?
It's Okay!
No It's Not.
Blake Calm Down!
I Can't!
Blake Its Fine..!
No It's not Beautiful..not even close I've been a jerk...
*blushes* wait....*lets go* what..?
Alexa...I think about you nonstop...when I'm eating, sleeping, everything. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life...I can't take my eyes off're smart, kind, funny, and extremely beautiful...I really really REALLY like you Alexa...when you got engaged it nearly broke my heart...
*smiles then looks down when he says engaged* *gets a million contractions* B-BLAKE!
Yeah..? *smiles big
*smiles* Okay. I love you Alexa..*smiles at her* *looks at her* Oh! oh my god!
*picks her up*
*breathes heavily* HURRY!
*walks fast*
BLAKEEE!! *looks weird*
Please not On Me!! I'm going as fast as I can Lex! // *starts driving again and baby is close*
Well The Baby Has A Mind Of Its Own..*screame again
*baby keeps pushing even tho she's wearing jeans* // *feels something starting run down his leg
*holds on tight to him* BLAKE!!! IM GIVING BIRTH NOW
*starts going fast and can't stop* *screams* OKAY OKAY!! *cant hold it in but keeps walking
What Happened?! *baby is really close*
U-Umm I Need To Pee! Wait Right Here!
NO! *grabs his arm
Alexa I'll be right back! *crosses legs
NO! get me to a hospital for something before I give birth NOW!
*groans* Alexa Im Gonna Pee Myself
I'm Having My KidS You Need To Be Here!!
*starts going* In Going Right Now I Can't Wait!!
*drops to ground
*groans and forced it in as best as he can* *kneels down*
// *screams and swerves car*
*pushes* *baby is just about out*
Wait Alexa You're Dtill in your clothes!
*freezes* *looks down* *gulps* O-Oh...
*has to let go and blushes really bad then grabs Alexa and Hurries home*
*is having it in his arms*
*groans* *keeps peeing and can't stop* *looks at her* Ohh Alexaaa
I'm Sorry!
*gets home*
*baby comes out and she screams* *pulls over and looks down* *gulps
Taylor: *sees her and pulls over too* // *it comes*
*screams* T-Tay?! // *looks at her
Are You Okay?! *gets out* // I Have A New B--*another one comes*
Okay Why Don't You Change?
*starts walking upstairs
*sighs and cleans up* *checks on Mason
*changes and puts baby on bed*
*starts going again and looks around for bathroom* *baby cries and he gives up*
What Happened?! // *is changing* *gets extremely bad contraction but thinks it's an after effect*
I-I...G-Gave Birth...// *holds it in even tho he can't and picks up Mason
WHAT?? // *contractions get worse
*groans and quiets Mason down* L-Lex You done yet..?
Y-Yeah! *takes off and takes the baby*
HELP ME! // *tries to set Mason down so he can go
Okay!! ummmm...
*gets into bathroom* *hears Alexa screaming and sighs
W-Why? *lets go*
What? Now?! *starts going again*
YES!! I-I can hold it in but not for long!
*almost finishes and is close then she calls him again and he screams*
*looks down* B-Blake..?