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Best car

8 0
your boyfriend said something to u and he said one thing that like u about is your eyes he said to me to cloud for u
spell right I don't understand
I post that for him
oh thanks Diego u are a best bor
Ok so what ur trying 2 say is that Chris said that something he liked about me is my eyes?
yes Chris liked our eyes yes
Nahhh corvettes are better
you shut your mouth cab one
a kid shut the f up dumb kid that can't get a gf your to ugly that when girls see you they jump off bridge
your just jealous because when your mom gave birth to you she said this is not my baby and she threw you out of the window
epic girl is away to ugly your girlfriend is ugly
nah that's what your mom did to you she said oh this baby is ugly that she had to have birth agin
nut face boy
who are you calling nut face to me
no to the guy
will I miss my girlfriend Ashly not the five greda the six grade