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I’m nothing special
I’m really nothing special, I’m not really important either
thanks, but I’m nothing new
I just needed someone to talk to, thanks
yay! and night! love ya twinny
night now!🖤🖤🖤🖤
hi twinny
will you plz participate on the challenge on my acc
I just want to die, I stay alive to keep everyone happy, but I’m not happy, and wanna die
life’s a bîtch then you die, why not make the dying part come a little early?
yeah, but still I already live in hèll (school) so what’s the difference
if I’m dead I can haunt the people who were jerks to me
I just want to stop hurting
I want to stop, I can’t take it anymore, the world has turned my once whole heart into nothing than dust
I can’t, I don’t want to be hurt like that again
I’m too afraid too, I can’t
all I have is people on line, everyone else irl hates me, I lost all of my friends today
so I’m all alone?
thanks *im starting to cry right now*
I’m sorry, I’m so useless, all I do is force my problems onto my friends, I’m sorry, no wonder why my friends irl left me
I’m sorry, I didn’t miss it, but I feel guilty because your hear to listen to me, and my problems aren’t even that big compared to others
thanks, night