I don't want to be alone again. Most of my friends are gonna be going to a different school than me next year and my best friend (irl) might be moving to a different state. I don't wanna be alone again. I don't want the past to come back. I'm scared.


I don't want to be alone again. Most of my friends are gonna be going to a different school than me next year and my best friend (irl) might be moving to a different state. I don't wanna be alone again. I don't want the past to come back. I'm scared.

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Cujo... You'll never be truly alone... you'll always be loved... *huggles* I'm sorry I can't be there beside you to comfort you but I'm here for you so don't be scared~
poor Cujo-chan. Kitty-chan will be here for you *mews and huggles her*
I'm here for you, friendo! :3 *extreme hugglez*
* huggles all * thanks guys.....
I'm sorry I'm such a sad sack X(
No its ok to be a sad sack cuz we all are too
When Amber "glomped" me I thought she meant she was eating meπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
You people are probably the nicest people I've ever met. I'm so happy I joined PC and met all of you guys
*virtual hug* You won't be alone because they',l still have your back and people on PC have your back and I'm bad at comfortin pg people but just I really care about you so please don't be discouraged
Stay awesome
* huggles all * I LOVE ALL YOU PEOPLE SO MUCH!!! my life is just really messed up
Hey! you forgot us na no da !!!
I would hug you but: a) I can't and b) I don't like hugs
I love hugs (i mean it depends who it's from but still) X3