You see the theme going?? ♥️♥️ luv u crush!


You see the theme going?? ♥️♥️ luv u crush!

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i want a icon
that's fine thank you though!!!
i NEED to go to school, then play REHERSAL, so like, 9 hours😭😭Sorry!!
Oh Me and my crush only have two classes together
haha! 😂 wow you really like him! I'll tell you about my crush after school today. I think he has a crush on me too. 💕😁 Talk to you soon Peyton. xx
heya what's up!💕
other than what?
Hey! How are you?
hi, wassup?💕
I am great!! How are you feeling?
ooooo haha😂 wait rumors? what's happening😐 I haven't been told anything haha😂
Ooooooo Tell me more details about you crush!!
ooh, cool! care to tell more?💕
hey, Peyton I'm Hannah
How does he look like?
Ooooooooo So interesting!!
what's he like?💕
Aww that's so cute!💕 You're so brave to talk to him though! Do you think he likes you back?😉
Do you think he likes you back?
Don't say that! I bet he likes you!
What country do you live in?
Or state if you live in the US
sweet! do u think he likes u back?💕
ooh, sweet! he seems adorable ❤️
no, I don't know him, I'm just saying, by how you describe him 💕
^^oops sorry I meant to comment "ooh, sweet! he seems adorable ❤️" to blue waters forever because we're talking about crushes too 😉 sorry about that!
my name is Angela, and my crush's code name can be Midnight, if you want (I can't say his real name)
no, he's not on pc 😂 I don't think he should be, because he'll probably eventually find my conversations about him with you 😩
yes it would
hmm... idk it would just be super awkward the next day
yeah, I don't think he knows I have pc
oh, what did he used to be like?
ah, I don't know... if you have any updates about him then tell me, k?