Collage by Perilouss


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of course. What's up, Lori??
I'm gonna try not to answer to your comments about that stuff if you don't want me to. I just set this up to talk about it.
If you want
yea if I'm the one u wanna talk to about ur stress. I'm happy to listen.
I'm super stressed about my grades. I have F's in like 4 classes. My parents are super mad about it. I can't take it.
aw what classes are they??
I don't remember.
Science, Music, Something, Health.
oh no I wish I could help. What grade are u in?? I'm only in eighth so I may not be a ton of help. What's stumping u in those classes? is it just homework or are the tests really hard??
I don't pay attention, I guess.
hmm I suggest that taking notes is good. Obviously keep them short, but draw pictures with them to remember if u want. Make notecards or maybe even make parodies to remember things. That's what my teachers did with us. There's also this site called Quizlet that helps u study. You make notecards online and it'll give u quizzes to see if u remember things. Idk, you probs get told a lot, but just try to pay attention. And if u don't understand something ask a fren or the teacher. 7th grade was tough, but I'm sure u can get by.
Ok. I'm also kinda having home problems... If you don't want to talk about that it's fine
this is all u. You decide whether u want to tell me. I told you, I'm happy to listen ☺️
I'll look tomorrow in the morning though. gotta get up early for the bus.
alrighty I'm here for u