An entry to a contest💗
wOoP wOoP I have a 4 day long weekend :)
QOTD: Fave childhood shows?
AOTD: there was this show called jibber jabber that I used to be obsessed with also erky perky, peppa pig (oFc) and total drama island


✨Tap✨ An entry to a contest💗 wOoP wOoP I have a 4 day long weekend :) QOTD: Fave childhood shows? AOTD: there was this show called jibber jabber that I used to be obsessed with also erky perky, peppa pig (oFc) and total drama island

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this is gorgeous!!! 💗
AOTD: I was pbs/qubo stan 😗 i would watch Arthur & curious George RELIGIOUSLY
GORGEOUS aotd: total drama island, doraemon, play school and pEppA pig
*Copy and Paste Message*. Hello amazing collager (yep, that’s you) My 1K Battle of the Collagers Sign-Up Sheet is up! Come sign up! Read the rules and remix two of your favourite collages! Hope u can enter! Thanks 😊
hello gorgeous! i was wondering if you could check out my account... i would really appreciate it if you could please follow me (you don’t have to, but it would make my day)! thank you so much beautiful. 🦋
those words are a song lyric to one of my fav songs btw 😄👏🏼
aotd: dora, tellatubbies, backyardigans, bubble guppies, curious george, peppa pig 🐷🐷
wow I love this!
thanks :)) this is so cool
tysm and this is stunning 😍😍😍😍😍
hey just wondering if you still wanted to collab?
STUNNING aotd: little einstein and wonder pets and backyardigans
thank you so much! I love this as well! ❤️❤️❤️
I’m changing my username! Please come and have ur say! All you have to do is remix what u like! Thanks!
ooh love this❤️aotd dora, peppa, backyardigans, wonder pets, arthur, ZACK AND CODYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
also i COMPLETELY forgot that we were supposed to collab but i’ll get it to you asap:)
Plz Enter My battle of collages ASAP I have extended the end date
Congratulations for making it to the top 3 for best quote edits! It’s such an accomplishment to make it this far on PicCollage, you are an inspiration to everyone! Please stay tuned for the awards today, the time for which is posted in the remixes of the latest collage.
my handwritten q & a is up! thank you for participating!
Hi my name is Syd I'm new to PC I would love if you checked out my account:)
so beautiful!