People are saying, "oh I have PTSD" and "look I have panic attacks," and "omg I have anxiety," like???? please stop???you don't understand what it's actually like??? I really cannot handle this right now??? Do your research???


People are saying, "oh I have PTSD" and "look I have panic attacks," and "omg I have anxiety," like???? please stop???you don't understand what it's actually like??? I really cannot handle this right now??? Do your research???

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@caption I know what you mean. I've had panic attacks, but I'm not sure if I have a disorder of any sort, so I don't advertise it anymore, as it always annoyed me before I realized that it's probably all in my head.
OML THAT CAPTION IS MY OLD FRIEND SARAH I told her I had anxiety and she's like "yeah well I'm pan and I have depression and I cut myself everyday and I have anxiety and I'm schizophrenic and I'm bipolar so you live the good life" and I said "Sarah I know for a fact you don't cut and you're not schizophrenic because I've seen you in a bra and panties before with no scars and if you were schizophrenic you wouldn't be able to function correctly in society but nice try" and she's always trying to "out illness" me and she thinks she's better because she "has" more mental illnesses than me but in reality the only one of those I can believe is bipolar and wow this is long oops